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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. I texted my folks about this over the weekend. They’re former Republicans who saw the light in 2020 and now vote Dem. But their friends and family are probably 80%+ MAGA imbeciles. And at least my mom refuses to consider that maybe her dear friends are shitheads. My point was this: Trump and Vance are spreading vile, Nazi-style blood libel. It will get people hurt or killed. Anyone who continues to support them at this point is a bad person. It doesn’t matter that they go to your church or root for the same baseball team or take good care of their lawn. We’ve seen this playbook before and everyone knows it’s evil and the key that, throughout history, opens the door to atrocity. If your friends or family vote for Trump knowing he’s scapegoating an innocent minority group for political gain, they are evil.
  2. What a weird coincidence that all of the liberal Democrats that keep shooting at Trump are Republican. I mean: what are the odds?
  3. Only in America is “just a random guy walking around with an AK47” viewed as the less alarming outcome.
  4. Holy fuck Arch is making me nervous.
  5. OU getting away with an egregious hold on that TD. Same as it ever was.
  6. You forgot to mention that Bret Weinstein’s most impressive credential: he has published numerous Nobel Prize-worthy theories, at least according to his brother Eric (who has published even more Nobel Prize-worthy theories than his brother has, also according to Eric).
  7. More fundamentally, it’s why there are large communities of Minnesotans in Minnesota.
  8. Can’t believe I’m missing this. Sounds like an ass beating.
  9. Charlie Kirk opining on who is “easy to hate” is the equivalent of Charlie Kirk opining on who has a freakishly tiny face on a spherical head like some kind of living Peanuts character monstrosity.
  10. “Put me in, Coach Prime!”
  11. That interview made my damned day. Such pure emotion and well deserved. I’ll be rooting for NIU the rest of this season.
  12. I don’t understand why the clear marquee game today was set for an 11 AM kickoff. The prime time slate is pathetic.
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