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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. …now have another data point supporting their position.
  2. Also, it’s pronounced “How-ston.”
  3. To confirm: Alex Jones believes that immigrants should be able to enter a country without facing “bureaucratic nonsense” like language tests and history exams.
  4. Daaaaaammmmmmnnn. I really underestimated the upside to switching candidates.
  5. Oh I don’t know. I thought the part where God went up to Adam and was like “How much for just one rib?” was pretty funny.
  6. “Jesus turned water into wine. Praise the Lord!” David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear. Is he an even more powerful god than Jesus? ”Uh… but Jesus forgave your sins. Hallelujah!” Oh cool. So I have a free pass to do whatever immoral shit I want now without consequence? ”Well, no. But, um, Jesus conquered death. Can I get an ‘amen?’” He did? That’s cool. So no one dies anymore? ”Uh, I mean, not exactly… we all still die. Like 100% of us. But have you heard the Good News?” The news about the sleight of hand party trick? Not sure I’d call that “good” or even really that interesting. Do you mean the sin amnesty fake-out? Or the complete swing-and-a-miss on immortality? “You wouldn’t ask so many dumb questions if we put God back in schools.”
  7. Everyone: Seriously, please cool it with the weird stuff. Republicans: I wanted to hand out nice gifts to strangers at the political rally, so I stayed up all night mixing up a big batch of fake semen and putting it in little jars with JD Vance’s face on the label.
  8. No. My Facebook uncles are not “good authority.”
  9. “Today, we honor the service of a true American hero: Roseanne Barr in a Vince Neil wig.”
  10. The deduction is also regressive as hell. The amount of the benefit is proportional to the size of the loan and the taxpayer’s marginal rate, and it’s only worth claiming if itemized deductions exceed the standard deduction (which is more likely for those with high income). If you max out the deduction and are in the highest bracket, it’s a nearly $14k annual benefit. Over the life of a typical loan, the mortgage deduction is potentially a much bigger payout than a single $25k subsidy. At least for rich people who, of course, are usually the first to bitch about welfare and socialism.
  11. That analysis is painfully stupid and self-serving. The mortgage deduction is essentially a reduction in the net interest rate. And as we saw clearly a couple years ago, changes in the interest rate directly impact prices. But please, continue to bend over backwards to explain why you’re not a hypocritical welfare queen who bitches about small benefits to others while gleefully reaping massive handouts for yourself.
  12. “Either you’re purposefully mispronouncing her name or you are too stupid to pronounce it correctly. Which is it?”
  13. I know, right? That’s just a handout to irresponsible freeloaders who buy more house than they can afford. Which is why Republicans all decline the mortgage interest deduction on principle, right?
  14. Liz Warren should serve as America’s first Secretary of Fixing All The Stupid Shit Greedy Assholes Did To Our Country.
  15. Everyone: Please just stop being weird. Ben Shapiro: THE SPICES ARE NOT TO BE MOCKED!
  16. Back in the 90s when I was a Republican, I fucking hated Bill Clinton because he was a liberal commie Democrat. Now that I’m a Democrat, I don’t like Clinton because it turns out he was a reactionary Republican.
  17. I am shocked, SHOCKED that Hartzell would disrupt UT students’ attempts to participate in democracy. Well, not that shocked.
  18. Y’all put way too much stock in that nerd Nate Silver. His analysis is worth about as much as a Geoff Ketchum preseason practice report.
  19. Pretty sure 80% was Silver’s assessment for Hillary in the waning days of the 2016 campaign.
  20. Is this any kind of official account or just some random dipshit / bot spouting propaganda nonsense?
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