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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. Or you could actually look beyond superficial party labels at a politician’s record when making this determination. Clinton signed NAFTA, the Defense of Marriage Act, welfare reform, the 1994 Crime Bill, and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This dude at The Federalist of all publications fucking loves Clinton’s record and compares him favorably to Reagan. But yeah, Clinton was a real progressive reformer. Mmkay.
  2. My point is not a personal defense. I voted for Kerry and Hillary, for practical reasons. But it’s just lazy victim blaming to pin a right wing victory on left wing voters, instead of on the two parties who only offered right-wing candidates.
  3. And to be clear, I don’t include Johnson in that. I’m talking about voters who supported Nader or Sanders (and then were unenthusiastic to support Hillary). But again: when a nominally left wing party puts up a shitty, center-right candidate, it’s idiotic to blame lack of enthusiasm on the left-wing voters.
  4. Pinning blame for the rightward shift at the presidential level on only the group that voted for furthest left candidates is certainly another choice. Not a rational one, mind you.
  5. What an entitled, tone deaf take. The far left didn’t vote for W or Trump. They supported non-mainstream candidates because neither of the parties offered even a true left-of-center option. If anyone is to blame for losing the far left’s support, it’s the Clinton Democrats who dragged the party well into (and possibly beyond) midcentury Republican territory on the political spectrum. They also lost the working class in the process. Now our allies are former gung-ho small government / low tax Republican types. Yay.
  6. It’s becoming clearer by the day that these idiots think Leonardo Da Vinci’s 15th century painting was a photo taken at the actual last supper.
  7. Good idea. If they want to attract young voters, Republicans should emphasize their policies, like low capital gains tax rates, banning student loan relief, illegalizing same-sex marriage, and prohibiting birth control. The Swifties love that shit!
  8. This Walz guy fucks.* * Human women, not furniture.
  9. Let’s be honest: JD won’t be doing much sleeping on that couch.
  10. Dems should flood Facebook, Truth Social, gun shows, and MAGA rallies with codes and Bible verses implying that Trump is the antichrist. Confuse these dumb fuckers into apathy. It’s not like it’s unfair, since the right has been using imaginary coded messages and prophecy bullshit to firm up Trump support for years. You have to speak to these idiots in their own dumb language. It’s a two-pronged strategy. Call Republicans weird to earn votes from inattentive centrists, while feeding MAGA weird shit to dampen their enthusiasm.
  11. Close. “Free speech” means no fact checking. It’s a constitutional right to never be told you’re a liar or an idiot.
  12. Wow. Topspin gets credit for the goal there.
  13. Who’s our right wing? She’s been impressive.
  14. Dammit. Cant let Germany have the ball in our end for that long. I counted three turnovers by Horan in that run of German possession.
  15. Lavelle is our smartest player by far. The straw that stirs the drink, imo.
  16. I’ll give it to the French. That might have been the best treatment of a dorky throuple hookup I’ve ever seen in an Olympics opening ceremony.
  17. In my medical opinion, JD Vance is just an asshole.
  18. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
  19. Given Vance’s strong conservative Christian views on sexual and reproductive morality, I’m guessing it was a pull-out couch.
  20. Meanwhile, Trump is the CRT candidate. Convicted thiRty-four Times.
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