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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. OU blasting that classic Okie… uh, sea shanty, “Shipping Up to Boston.” Huh.
  2. That turned out to be a neat story about you, but you forgot to finish telling us what happened to your friend that had a little kid mouth off about his bald spot.
  3. Sounds like the entire speech was a fucking train wreck. I absolutely love that organized labor is calling bullshit on MAGA.
  4. And the low taxes uber alles / “Who’s going to pay for that?” fuckheads as well.
  5. CU’s defense is garbage.
  6. If that’s true and the outcomes are statistically independent (which they probably aren’t), that would mean there’s a slightly greater than 50% chance that Kamala wins one of the two.
  7. FIFM. At this point, fuck UT. Dead serious.
  8. It’s easy to forget that many very intelligent, rational people live in rural America. Shit, many of us on this board grew up out in the country. I didn’t, but my dad grew up on farms and in towns of fewer than 1,000 people. His sister and her husband (from the same tiny farm town) are both super liberal. One of the heroes of my dad’s undefeated high school football team is one of the most liberal dudes I know. Of course, they’re outnumbered by a good margin. But they’re not nonexistent.
  9. Bold Bigflank! Butch Deadlift! Teak Brockbank!
  10. “Did somebody say ‘Seka?’” - @SizzleChest, probably
  11. Right, because he voted for one.
  12. Now so far, we have what appears to me to be a series of victimless crimes.
  13. Narrator: Yes, he does.
  14. This. I wish my kids would quit high school soccer and use that time to play a different sport (like track). HS season is just an opportunity to get hurt while playing dumb soccer and unlearning all the good habits developed at a club. But the kids love the camaraderie and school spirit.
  15. The first step would be to understand that this issue is not even remotely 1,000 years old. A solution is only possible if we can get past propagandists myths.
  16. Honestly, I’m struggling to think of a former MLB player who went on to do anything even remotely intelligent after retiring. In football, basketball, soccer, and hockey, former players provide insightful color commentary and in-studio analysis. I can’t think of a former baseball player that fills these roles without embarrassing themselves as either drunken clowns (e.g., Mike Shannon) or just plain dumb (e.g., John Kruk, Joe Morgan). Edit: Billy Bean would be an exception. Not all baseball players are dumb. A lot of us grew up playing the sport, and we’re a smart group. But at the high levels, the game just doesn’t seem to attract or develop intelligent players. The stats nerds have ruined the sport, but they understand it far, far better than players. It’s just a weird disconnect because literally no other sport presents that dynamic.
  17. See, e.g., Dykstra, Lenny.
  18. That is part of it, but the same is also true of soccer (at least in the US). And in my (and my kids’) experience, baseball players are way dumber and way more MAGA than soccer players, statistically speaking. I think it’s a combo of (a) suburban and (b) dumb. Baseball just doesn’t require much thought.
  19. QAnon: “Mom, can we get Kennedy Jr.?” Mom: “We have Kennedy Jr. at home.”
  20. Just saw that yesterday was Layne’s birthday. RIP. On another note, I recently realized that Jerry plays a phantom solo that is super low in the mix during the outro chorus to Man in the Box. I can hear it pretty distinctly, but only when played through decent speakers or headphones. It doesn’t show up in guitar iso tracks and none of the on-line tabs or YouTube instructional videos account for it. But it’s there and it gives the outro chorus more depth than the earlier choruses. Or maybe I’m hallucinating.
  21. Watching this now and the hosts just shut him up and ended the call. Not even Fox wants to hear Trump’s rambling horseshit anymore.
  22. Well that depends. Did she say “dumpy fake bake assclown with a weird tiny penis?”
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