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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. That may be how small-government conservatives spin it. But what that movement has always truly been against is fair taxation, sensible regulation, and an equitable society.
  2. Hey, that’s a good idea! Let’s give these depressed loners guns and combat training.
  3. This. I think many wrongly assume that fascists are all goose-stepping, cos playing foot soldiers obsessed with genocide. The real engines of fascism are run-of-the-mill assholes. The substantial portion of the population who believe they are entitled to special status and who enjoy feeling superior to others. They may be otherwise intelligent or pleasant. But they are all too willing to overestimate their own accomplishments and wrongly attribute the rewards of good luck and a stacked deck to Hard Work or Ingenuity or some other mark of personal superiority over the unwashed masses. Those are the dicks who truly drive fascism. The casual racists who go about their business every day in the private sector, along the way supporting any con artist who confirms their delusions of grandeur and protects the fantasy by oppressing the less fortunate. They talk politics on the golf course or around the water cooler, convincing each other that they are special, that they earned their presumed elevated status, and that they are the rightful masters of the universe. We all know these types. Sounds like Beantown has the ill fortune of working for some of them.
  4. Oh right. Thats why he worked for the AD during the Charlie Strong era.
  5. Holy shit this fucker is still working for UT?!?
  6. It was never about principled free speech. It was about trolling the Libs. And, of course, supporting Nazi bullshit.
  7. What a lazy fucking bullshit analysis. “One side violated silly rules without harming anyone, the other violated constitutional rights by force. Both sides were wrong!” Do you work for the New York Times?
  8. His opinion sucks and is provably wrong.
  9. Not to you, maybe. But to anyone trying to understand what is happening in this country, it’s unfortunately very helpful.
  10. You should send in DPS riot troops.
  11. None of this should be surprising. Fascism has been gaining strength in this country — and especially this state — for a long time. Anyone who reacts to the latest outrage with surprise just hasn’t been paying attention or has been leaning on normalcy bias.
  12. At this point, should we change our mascot to The Texas Longknives?
  13. You don’t have to guess. Just read his letter and texts.
  14. Along these lines, I just emailed the homeless guy my dad gave a sandwich to mow our yard one time and asked him to sign a letter of protest.
  15. How many of us have been ordered to have riot police arrest protesting students?
  16. What’s the big deal? Don’t we all have jobs where we can fuck up 57 out of 57 times in one day and yet keep cashing out taxpayer-funded paychecks?
  17. I have to believe commencement is going to be a massive clusterfuck this year.
  18. Right. That didn’t happen. He asked for this AHEAD OF TIME. I have no idea why you’re willing to die on this hill. Stop bending over backwards to justify obvious fascism.
  19. That this organization petitioned to silence another organization is irrelevant. I generally disagree with that approach, but they didn’t waive their own right to free speech by advocating that another group should be silenced.
  20. Oh I’m quite capable of realizing Sack is full of shit without going to all that trouble.
  21. Lolz. “Academia.” Hartzell taught bean counting.
  22. This legitimately brand new poster sure studied up on the rules before joining this site for what was surely the first time!
  23. I would respond “I also prayed about this last night and God told me he was just fucking with you.”
  24. You’re not answering the question. Someone at UT had to tell those fucksticks what was about to happen. Abbott didn’t divine it himself.
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