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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. Except that aluminum is useful and Norway’s solution prevents waste rather than perpetuates it.
  2. Mother of God. It turns out that this whole time, those sneaky Democrat satanists were hiding their DC area pizza restaurant sex dungeon in a wholesome Christian camp for wayward teens down in Arkansas???
  3. BrickHorn

    I'm sorry guys

    I know quite a few people whose lives have been changed for the better by SSRIs. Hope you find something that works for you. Hang in there.
  4. Of course you were bored. Nugent is a mediocre guitarist, a shitty musician generally, and a fucking moron. His output is the archetype of puerile, forgettable 70s and 80s hard rock lampooned by Spinal Tap. It’s pure disposable crap, a regrettable skid mark on the undergarments of rock history.
  5. It’s really disorienting to read a thread in which Anastasis advocates a firm position while Brisketexan espouses uninformed both-sideserism.
  6. “I have some good news and some bad news, fellow patriots! The good news is that, according to an expose I just read, teenage girls fucking love Ted Nugent! The bad news is that I’m dyslexic.”
  7. I sleep in a big bed with my wife
  8. BrickHorn


    Nice try, narc.
  9. I mean, kinda. I felt that the book was more objective. It presented the Comanches as human beings living in a culture that, albeit alien and hostile to Anglos, had its own internal logic and was understandable given its roots and context. Comanches lived like pretty much any plains tribe had been for centuries (millennia?). They were just doing it more effectively than their competitors.
  10. It’s unreal how much the refs have fucked Liverpool this season. Two pens and a red card should have been awarded today. The announcers were in disbelief about each noncall. It’s just robbery at this point. Fortunately it didn’t matter for anything other than GD today.
  11. That one’s easy. They ate fermented fruit by accident, and got buzzed. Birds do that shit all the time.
  12. Oh fuck. It looks like I accidentally stumbled into Boring Plumbing Mysteries.com
  13. Oh no. Some Antifa globalists hacked slorch’s account and are posting woke talking points!
  14. The next funny Babylon Bee article will be the first. That’s just lazy schlock.
  15. A friend has been raving about his plug-in hybrid. It sounds like those combine the best of both worlds. For the most part, it’s an EV for reasonable trips around town (something like 20-30 mile range on battery, and it charges up fairly quickly). But it has 500+ miles range when you combine the battery and gas engine, which is amazing for road tripping.
  16. Anecdotally, I heard similar stories after Snowvid 2021 regarding the Tesla Powerwall. That shit didn’t hold a charge in the cold.
  17. That dude had three minutes to catch that wobbly duck of a pass. Lol.
  18. Why didn’t Dak just run that shit in?
  19. Shows what you know, idiot. Green Bay only has 27.
  20. In retrospect, we might have resorted to cannibalism too quickly.
  21. I have no dog in this fight whatsoever, but Cleveland is getting buttfucked by the zebras.
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