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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. Holy shit that is the most gloriously ironic example of self-delusion I’ve ever read on this board. Are you serious? You understand that this entire discussion started because several posters reacted to reports of Muslim support of Trump by freaking out and wishing harm on them? If you’re looking for people having tantrums and demanding that anyone who doesn’t do what they want must suffer, look in the fucking mirror.
  2. For the last time: I am not saying Trump will be better on Gaza. In fact, I believe he will be worse. I am merely saying that reasonable people, based on a reasonable assessment of the information available to them, could conclude that he can’t be worse and that a change might improve things. And those same people might reasonably conclude, as a matter of moral principles, that they cannot support someone from an administration that has supported Israel in its Gaza actions.
  3. You say this and I tend to agree that a second Trump term will be far more dangerous to minorities. I’m terrified of it. But consider the other perspective: the current administration is provably a disaster for Muslims in Gaza. Meanwhile, Trump was president for four years and his anti-Muslim rhetoric ultimately amounted to ineffective bluster. If you’re a Muslim-American who survived the Trump presidency (despite facing frightening rhetoric and policy proposals) but whose friends or family did not survive the Biden term, which one do you view as the greater threat? I think they’re discounting the risk of Trump, but I can understand why they might make that analytical mistake.
  4. They’re not voting out or petulance, unless you think desperation to try anything to end the massacre of their friends and family is “petulant.” This isn’t a fucking tantrum. It’s a direct response to policy choices by the administration that resulted in the displacement and death of thousands of their fellow Muslims. Jesus fucking Christ. How hard is it to understand that genocide is a serious issue and it’s not childish to take a moral stand against it (even if that requires making risky trade offs)? I’ve had these conversations with Muslim friends who are far from petulant or unreasonable. Their decision to withhold support from Kamala or even vote Trump are measured and account for the risks and tradeoffs. Which is a lot more than I can say for the knee jerk reaction of the head-in-sand crew on this thread.
  5. You and everyone else debating me on this assume that your judgment call (which I share) is necessarily correct. It’s not and the opposite argument is defensible morally and logically, even though I tend to think it’s wrong.
  6. The current administration is funding the massacre of thousands of Muslims. Y’all conveniently always leave that inconvenient fact out, as if Trump’s white nationalist rhetoric is the only issue.
  7. You won’t feel sorry for desperate people who end up hurt because they misjudged a rock-and-a-hard-place situation? That’s shitty. Again: go fuck yourself.
  8. I tend to agree, but reasonable minds differ. It’s voting against the devil you know and it’s perfectly logical even if the assumptions on which it is based ultimately prove flawed.
  9. This is a judgment call. You and I may disagree with them, but many Muslims believe Trump could not be worse than the current admin (of which Harris is a part). And morally, they can’t pull the lever for someone associated with support for the ongoing slaughter and who did nothing to reach out to them. It’s entirely defensible and the Harris campaign fucked it up, presumably calculating that the losses of Muslim voters weren’t worth the trade off.
  10. They aren’t voting for their own genocide, you Reaganist twat. They’re voting AGAINST an administration that has paid for and supported their genocide, betting (maybe wrongly) that change at the top can only improve things.
  11. No. What they see is a slaughter that is being supported by the current US administration, and they refuse to support it. I don’t think they’re making the best choice, because I believe Democrats are more likely to come to their senses and rein in Israel. But I also can’t blame them for (a) not voting for the party whose current leader is providing material support to Israel and (b) believing a change will improve the situation, because it’s already as bad as it can get. If you can’t understand why someone might not vote for a party that currently has the power to stop a massacre but is instead paying for it, then you’re a fucking heartless idiot.
  12. You’re generally a good poster. That’s a really shitty take and you can go fuck yourself.
  13. Yep. Low hands, squared stance, and exaggerated backward lean are dead giveaways of a professional fighter.
  14. That depends. Check for maritime law fringes on any flags flying on the polling location.
  15. Breaking news: obsolete bro culture doucherag favors obnoxious, tacky real estate prick for President.
  16. And this guy came up to me… Big guy. A big blue guy with big muscles and red tattoos and no shirt on. He kind of looked like an alien. And he had tears in his eyes. He said “Sir, thank you.” This big tough guy with tears in his eyes said “Thank you, sir, for killing Thanos and bringing half of the universe back from the dead.” No one has done more for The Avengers than me. I helped them out. Bigly.
  17. Oh I guess maybe YOU forget that Biden made eggs cost $79,000 a dozen and he let 1.5 million murderers cross the border, kill every American, and vote multiple times. And WEATHER MACHINES.
  18. Again with the “insane asylums” references when talking about immigration. It’s 100% clear someone talked to Trump about asylum seekers and his mush brain assumed the borders were overrun by escaped mental patients. Thus the Hannibal Lecter shit. It reminds me of when I was a little kid and I overheard my parents tell someone that they found termites in “our beds.” I was terrified that termites would eat me as I slept that night. I got over it when, after asking my parents about it, they explained that they were talking about the flower beds outside of the house. Trump has the mental capacity of a 6 year old. Except, unlike a normal 6 year old, he doesn’t have the curiosity to ask questions or mental capacity to process the answer.
  19. Yep. That book really lays bare a frightening truth: the real fuel powering the engine of fascism is not the extremists. It’s common people too blinded by normalcy bias to see where all the baby steps lead. They aren’t what you would think of as evil or even bad people. They’re just optimistic or stupid or not paying attention, and it’s easier to assume things are under control and will always be fine. These frogs get slowly boiled until they have blood on their hands.
  20. This is where I am with both friends and family. I’ve saved those I could. The rest? Time to tell them exactly what they have become and that they can fuck off.
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