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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. The coffee in Spain is delicious, cheap, and ubiquitous. Coffee shops, restaurants, bars, bakeries, candy stores, hotel buffets, ice cream shops — they all make a cup of coffee better than most high-end specialty shops here, at 1/4 the price.
  2. It doesn’t happen often. But every now and again, by pure accident, I’ll stumble onto some obscure band that kicks ass. Rock music is such a niche genre these days and I feel like the best stuff is wallowing in obscure local scenes. Post your own discoveries here and tell us why these unheralded rock bands deserve a listen. I’ll start. It occurred to me today that “The Jobbers” would be a good band name. For those who don’t follow wrestling, that’s a term for the lame wrestlers whose whole job is to lose to the better, more popular stars. So I searched to see if anyone beat me to the punch and indeed, there’s a band out of Brooklyn that goes by “Jobber.” And they fucking rock. Here’s a sample off of their first EP released this past fall: It kind of reminds me of Liz Phair, with the vocals, guitars, and unorthodox song structure. Anyway, I’m hooked and I hope they release more stuff. Now it’s your turn.
  3. Christmas Eve Bumble date leads to kidnapping? Where have I heard that one before?
  4. My point is not that things shouldn’t change. My point is that Austin had a personality. It’s possible to grow and evolve in a way that’s consistent with that personality. There are examples of New Austin that feel very much true to Old Austin. But they’re few and far between and, overall, the city has grown not into a bigger, newer version of itself, but into something different.
  5. That’s the point. We didn’t want something different from the way Austin was. We liked the way it was. It’s why we came here. Now it’s something different and we don’t like it as much.
  6. The Christmas lights at Mozarts used to be a quaint, weird little sideshow to enjoy over a cup of coffee. Now it’s a ticketed clusterfuck. Honestly part of the problem is the town’s success. It turns out a lot of people ended up liking the same things a smaller number of us liked and told our friends about. So those things got bigger and more congested and pricier and more corporatized until they lost all the charm that made them so fun and worthwhile in the first place.
  7. No. DFW is uniquely bland. Its douchebags are comfortable in their banality and don’t feel the need to feign culture through colonization. Austin is overrun with the kind of douche who wears the city’s bygone weirdness as a badge of cultural legitimacy while helping snuff out the final vestiges of Old Austin with every trendy meal purchase, home tear-down, and scooter rental. It’s like if buffalo hunters posted Instagram photos doing the duckface among a sea of rotting carcasses and tags like #plainslife4ever.
  8. Your mom is right. I’ve been frog-boiled by Austin’s unyielding descent into douchiness since the mid-90s. Every once in a while, I’ll stumble into an oasis of Old Austin Weird and it makes clear just how different (in a bad and depressing way) this city is now. Last week we hit up the 37th Street lights and it hit me like smelling salts: “This is what Austin used to be like, back when I fell in love with the place.” The city still offers plenty of good things. But so do most cities. The things that differentiate Austin from the average town now are negatives: cost, traffic, trendy overpriced food, and vapid tech culture. Didn’t used to be that way.
  9. If you think THAT ONE is pretty good, you should read my jokes about Criminology, Misogyny, and Facebook Aunt-style evangelism. Oh wait.
  10. This should be major news. The President of the United States lied repeatedly and denied reports that have been confirmed 100% accurate by subsequent evidence. It is only not news because said (former) President tells similar lies on a daily basis and has done so for years. This is just another lie in a mountain of lies. So this particular story gets no traction because it is not unusual for Trump. And the vast forest of lies gets lost in the shrug response to this one unremarkable tree. tl;dr: humans are stupid and easily distracted.
  11. This will surely offend the woke mob, but you can’t spell “God” without two of the letters in “GOP.” Those letters also appear in “Let’s go, Brandon!” Type “Hallelujah” if you agree with that grammatical / theological fact.
  12. Semantics. You get my point: massage school teaches students how to hate women.
  13. Let’s see how good you are at guessing. Oops! But I’m sure your “wild guess” that taking 9 years of classes on how to commit crimes makes you LESS likely to commit crimes is right. Uh huh. Sure. Next you’ll tell us that massage school graduates aren’t any more likely to become misogynists.
  14. Type “Amen” if you think America would be a better place if college professors spent their class time praying to Jesus instead of teaching kids how to commit crimes.
  15. A big problem with the SWA system is the gamesmanship. Saving seats, F5-ing the check-in screen 24 hours before boarding, and dubious preboards. I get it for folks who have a legit disability. No issue there. But on SWA, if you’re skittish or shameless, you can board and choose your preferred seat before all the people who paid 2x for priority. Bonus points if you bring along a lapdog in one of those “Emotional Support Animal” harnesses. We all have problems, Snowflake. Board with the riffraff and self-medicate with booze like the rest of us do.
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