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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 'stache

  1. I read that firework fuel can't melt or explode steel (or whatever the fuck cybertrucks are made up of). It was an inside job.
  2. He'll never win governor, senator, or representative. If he does I'm getting the fuck out, for real this time. I think the AG Gentner Drummond will be governor. He's right wing as fuck but has taking a stand against Gov. Shithead and this fuckstick on a bunch of things, including education, theocracy, and being nice to the Natives. Since only republicans can win, he's about the best case scenario.
  3. Well first of all I'd be guessing how many drinks I have on weekends and it varies, something I have a lot like on football weekends and sometimes very little or none on kid activity heavy weekends, so trying to estimate in general is hard, and seemingly unhelpful since it would almost certainly be wrong. Is it different if someone has 2 drinks a day, like almost every day, comparied to regularly having 6-8 on weekends? I assume that true binge drinking, like getting completely wasted every weekend is worse than 1-2 per day, but both seem pretty bad. I probably have a few too many some weekends but it's been a really long time since I've truly binge drank, like black out pukey drunk, and even then was a one off thing that really sucked.
  4. I've never understood the "drinks per day" metric. I don't drink on weekdays anymore but have multiple drinks on weekends. I honestly don't know how that would spread out on a per day average.
  5. Saw it a few days ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. The original was pretty cheesy at times as well, so those parts didn't bother me. The monkey CGI was terrible and the idea of sharks in the coloseum was dumb, but again, not a big deal to me. I would have like more backstory about Lucius being sent away and why if he was indeed being targeted as a legitimate heir to the throne nobody seemed to care. Also strange to me that Maximus' plot in the original was his love for his wife and son who looked to be around the same age as Lucius, but he was fucking around with the Queen. Probably normal for the times but weird.
  6. Barry’s record looks safe so far, that’s all I want out of this game.
  7. Yup, that white glob ain’t rendered, it’s dripping crisco.
  8. He’s a big fat fuck. He’s a good coach but has a ceiling, should stick where he’s at since it’s working.
  9. That beef rib looked like half rendered shit. Who uses Kinder on beef rib? Course salt course pepper.
  10. Earlier in the game? That was a fun moment lol, at least from an OSU fan perspective.
  11. Lane Kiffin awful quiet today. Eat your crow you stupid fuck.
  12. Isn’t this the same stadium as the Pop Tart Bowl? Are they gonna murder a giant cheez it too?
  13. Aranda is such a dumb fuck. Could have been within a score, now down two tds. He might need some more rapists on this squad.
  14. Seriously, drives me crazy. I know traditionally coaches have been too conservative on those calls but the new wave of coaches have way over corrected. Sometimes you take the damn points.
  15. lol, reminds me of one of my favorite OSU Baylor plays ever.
  16. Official team statement said to give him a chance to get picked up by a playoff team? Lol wut? Got no hate for Zeke, had his time here, but it’s over dude, hope he managed his money ok.
  17. Definitely a meteor game, lulz either way.
  18. Would be far funnier/darker if it was "Carter Still Plans to Attend Trump Inauguration."
  19. I mean, you know that's gonna be the company line.
  20. So key takeaways regardless of how it ends is that Bama didn't deserve the playoff and UM was a bad bad loss for Ohio State.
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