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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 'stache

  1. I can't believe I'm about to type this, but of the names I've seen, I could see Lincoln Riley working out or at least being worth a shot. He already seems to not be that big with the limelight and might be fine letting Jerry do his thing. And as much as the majority of this board thinks Dak is the problem, he's not going anywhere, and Riley seems like the best chance to maximize what he has. He can't bring anyone he knows to the defensive staff however, even Jerry could do a better job making a DC hire than Lincoln. Flame away, just bullshitting at this point.
  2. Bullshit that Biden could have put a stop to anything. It was Bibi's inentional plan to never do anything to help him and to get his good buddy trump back in office. Follow along in a few weeks when the corrupt US President goes to the UN and advocates for the exoneration of his corrupt friend Bibi because "witchhunt." They played the left leaning protest voters like a fucking fiddle. Not to mention the new administration will triple down on calling Arabs in the US terroists and will probably try to have them deported, so good work to the protest vote/nonvotes.
  3. I never got the sense that Jr or Charlotte cared about the spotlight nearly as much as Jerry. Maybe that's just wishful thinking.
  4. Um, you all realize this was the plan all along, right? Bibi and Trump are peas in a pod, shit was always gonna happen, but not for Biden or any democrat. "We surrender to almighty trump" should have been the clue. In exchange, Bibi gets support to wiggle out of his trials, and he'll take Gaza later anyway. JFC, amercians are really getting stupider by the minute.
  5. With UMass rejoining the MAC that leaves UConn as the only other FBS independent.
  6. I think it’ll be Lions-Ravens and Lamar finally gets a ring.
  7. Jewish space lasers, the McDonalds ice cream machine of international conflict.
  8. It’s dumb to assume Deion can’t be a good NFL head coach. I’d take him over Zimmer, Moore, or the other potato personalities that are the likely hire. But as has been said he’d take too much attention from Jerry and would never happen. Plus we ain’t trading up for Shedeur. Probably a Rooney Rule phone call.
  9. I don't care about either of these teams, but wtf? He has the ball in his hand and pushes it forward. It's not even questionable. Complete bailout on his part and luck that Puka was there but a shovel pass by every definition. The review took like two seconds to reverse.
  10. It was definitely a shovel pass, how is that even a question? Grounding maybe, but not a fumble.
  11. Gruden is a personality and would take a lot of airtime from Jerry, that’s a no go for sure.
  12. My guess from that list would be Lincoln Riley.
  13. No it's not. You've been following the last decade. The incoming president responding with a "Gavin Newscum" tweet is the most predictable thing ever as is the fact that his followers are laughing along with it because California, lib tears, etc. You know goddamned well that this is who we are now as a nation, I'm sure you'll keep this in mind next election season, LOL.
  14. Let’s get that weirdo from Miami, would at least provide some entertainment.
  15. Nah, they would constantly butt heads, I don't see Belichick taking shit from Jerry. It has to be someone with overwhelming charisma and a maniuplative personality. ps I also don't think Belichick is hot shit anymore, he had his run with Brady, and is now just a oldhead who deserves respect, but not a new NFL job.
  16. I've always felt that there is someone out there who is super competent as a coach and has the perfect skills to manipulate Jerry Jones' ego so that he agrees to what the HC wants. It would have to be a real asshole with psycopathic tendencies. I used to think Urban Meyers might be able to pull it off. Kiffin could probably do so on the manipulation side but I'm not sold on his coaching skills. There has to be someone out there but the odds of the connection being made is next to zero.
  17. I'd be fine with Kingsbury, way more upside than the other likely possibilities, and while he's technically a retreat, he's still young and has a decent chance at finding his groove somewhere down the line.
  18. I'd be fine with a Prime experiment. Better than another old ass retread. I already described a few pages back why it's not possible. If Prime were to succeed he'd get the spotlight and Jerry just can't have that happen.
  19. Wade Phillips is still alive I'm sure he'll charm Jerry's pants off again.
  20. Bye bitch. I think the Chicago thing is that they were still negotiating, headline says couldn't agree on term. Jerry (hopefully) pushing for shorter, Mike wanting a long deal despite being a complete loser. He'll probably get a cushy deal from a loser franchise like Chicago. And yes, while I'm happy he's gone, I'm more than aware that Jerry's next hire will just be another washed up incompetent yes man, so I'm not sure why I even care at this point. They'll probably just promote Zimmer's ancient ass.
  21. Hmm, one has to play for Mike McCarthy the other got to play against him last year. We all know how that worked out, lol.
  22. I remember when rappers were wearing LA Raider gear in videos. Wonder if that would have continued and they become full LA icons if they don’t move back to Oakland. The two LA teams now don’t feel very LA at all, same with Raiders who now feel like just another LV attraction.
  23. Haha, what a bitch. Buncha sad Oakley wearing baker bros today.
  24. Seriously, shut the fuck up
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