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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 'stache

  1. I mean, there were only two P4 v. P4 matchups last week, PSU-WVU and TCU-Stanford. Better matchups and tv slots this week. OSU-Arky on ABC KSU-Tulane on ESPN Baylor-Utah on FOX ISU-Iowa on CBS CU-NU on NBC Tech-WSU on FOX (late kick) ASU v. Miss St on ESPN The only streaming exclusive matchups this week are WVU v. Albany, AU v. NAU, and TCU v. Long Island (wtf?). SEC has two streaming exclusives this week, No. 1 UGA v. Tennessee Tech and No. 18 LSU v Nichols. Are they pressing for more ESPN+ sign ups? Those are two very highly rated programs sent to streaming. Week 1 ratings seem kind of low overall outside of the top matchups, right? I think its odd that OU got talked into its first Friday home game ever for 1.6M? Surprised CSU @ Texas only got 1.84M on ESPN. How does SEC Network ratings do generally? Also find it odd that OU v. UH is on SEC Network. https://www.sportsmediawatch.com/college-football-tv-ratings/
  2. I’ve never seen that logo, it’s badass.
  3. My favorite is when O&G people I know discuss the benefits to their industry when oil prices go up, then go on facebook and complain about the president and high gas prices. It makes me ragey to no end.
  4. I assume he's saying its the "right" answer for the right-wing audience that just loves being lied to about basic economics. These are the same people that think school vouchers will allow more middle class families to send their kids to private school when every example of the program in every location is that private schools just jack their rates up equal to the voucher and nobody gets ahead except the private school industry, which of course is the point because most of those schools are Christian schools, because if there's one thing the Vatican needs, its more money.
  5. I remember this headline from last year, I sort of assumed it was a broader layoff. I have done my damndest to stay as far away from the O&G industry in my lawyerin' work as possible, I just have no interest in that line of work. https://www.kjrh.com/news/local-news/bartlesville-residents-concerned-over-phillips-66-layoff-announcement
  6. If the owner's a hoe'in, don't go repo'in. What if it's rear wheel drive, can you still just pull it away like that?
  7. I wonder if the problem is it feels too much like Instagram? Facebook and Instagram still feel like different products, probably because they started separately, but Threads was literally spun off of Instagram and I just haven't been able to care enough to click over from one to the other. I got a Bluesky login from surly but I don't see anything all that interesting or breaking news from my feed. If only there was a way to get elmo out of the way so it could go back to twitter as it used to be. I never was active but the links to breaking news and jokes was always interesting to me.
  8. I honestly didn't even know Conoco Phillips still had people in Bartlesville. I doubt they'll have anyone there much longer to be honest.
  9. Tends to happen when you agree to move up in football then do jack shit to compete.
  10. If the ACC were to only lose FSU and Clemson, it would probably still be a better fit for them.
  11. I remember those days, just bustin' your balls. For the record, I think you all pull it out this year.
  12. Whatever makes you feel good about yourself, lol. This shit ain't that fucking serious.
  13. Now imagine it's a conference game, and they're a historic blueblood with multiple national championships and Heismans, and its the last game of the season, and the weird shit often costs you a conference title. Welcome to Bedlam 2012 to 2020. We lost a conference title to a fake field goal during an ice storm one year. A tight end playing QB also took one from us in OT. I'm in the minority which will truly miss the annual game, but a part of me is also truly relieved that the anxiety of that week will no longer be a thing. Also, fuck them kids, I've had to solo from time to time and mine know that if daddy's screaming in his back room on a Saturday, its because of football, and they can feed themselves.
  14. Lol, wut? I know very few OSU fans who think otherwise, including those who have come of age since Gundy took over. We do have eternal scoreboard in Bedlam, so tough shit, we ain't letting that one go, ever. Fuck ou.
  15. ESPN is rigging games for Notre Dame? A school to which it holds no media rights? Ok
  16. Thirteen years? That’s cute. The wilderness is like 80% of our history, and our peak was one conference title in 2011. I’m real happy that we’re relevant these days but our ceiling has been pretty firmly capped.
  17. The rooftop bar in the building with Hemingway’s is Sidecar on Cherry Street, Roof 66 is downtown in the Indigo hotel. I forgot to mention SOMA at the Brut Hotel at 18th and Boulder/Riverside, highly, highly recommend. Good food and drinks and the best rooftop in town with views of downtown and the Arkansas River, which now looks like an actual river and not a sand bed. The low water dams are finally in place and makes a massive difference in the views and overall feel of the city.
  18. High floor low ceiling. Rankings between 15 and 20 is our sweet spot. I expect we’ll have another good year recordwise and still find a way to fall short of a conference title. And it will be in brutal fashion, we’ll run through Arky, Utah, and KSU, and lose to some bullshit like BYU and let Prime put a fork in us after Thanksgiving. Same is it’s been for 20 fucking years.
  19. Considering the spread I think that dude genuinely likes the taste of his own scrote. edit: I thought it said taste, lol
  20. So Harris with a democratic Congress will finally cut off his socialist gravy train? Yet another reason to vote blue, shut this cunt up forever already.
  21. Elmo will have that quashed within the hour, cause free speech.
  22. Don't know shit about Bartlesville. I haven't been but Barron's in downtown opened recently and got a rare 5 star review from the Tulsa World. Mexican I'd suggest TXMZ (Tacos Y Mezcal) at 18th and Boston or 918 Maples by the Church Studio (weird name but owned by very nice Mexican family). Maple Ridge Grocer and Bishop Quigleys are two new neighborhood joints also near 18th and Boston right by my kid's school. Hemingway's is indeed super fancy but Bull in the Alley is still the best steak in town, imo at that price point. Lofi is a new pizza joint, small and loud (spinning music is the theme), pizza is awesome and its the best old fashioned in town (same owners and recipe from Hodges Bend which sadly burned down last year). Bohemia Pizza downtown is a favorite. Always a fan of Nola's and my favorite is still their original Kilkenny's. That's all I really got, I don't eat out as much as I used to, and when I do I go to the same places. Elgin Park, Marshall, and Solera are my most frequent stops.
  23. Or that losing family to the maga cult makes him very relatable to many people in this country. I'm 100% certain that either the brother disowned him for being a librul, or refused to stop making it an issue every time they spoke causing the strain in the relationship (this is where I am currently with my mother). That old lady definitely harassed Black folk for sitting at a lunch counter back in her day, maybe even just last week.
  24. I think most true magas will either throw the municipal ballot away because they don't see the party line and have no idea who the people are, or because Van Norman already told them that both are dirty libruls. I think moderate republicans and low information voters who remember her as a newscaster and might have come across her name during her the last 16 years she served as a county commissioner will put her over the top. I know Karen personally and like her, I think she'd do a great job administering municipal government they way it should be administered, but I like Monroe too although I don't know him personally, and the significance of electing Tulsa's first Black mayor is important. After the Tulsa World endorsed Monroe and I started seeing my contemporaries all in for him, I took a calculated risk and voted for Karen in the primary thinking that she needed it more than Monroe to get Van Norman out of the way. Looks like I was right but by the narrowest of margins. I don't know who I'll vote for in November yet. Some of Monroe's more vocal supporters are rubbing me the wrong way a little trying to portray Karen as maga (she's very moderate but has taken decidedly democratic stances when it becomes relevant, including being vocally opposed to the covid trump rally) but I know better than to hold stuff like that against him personally. I do think she'll win by a decent margin from the middle and yeah, maybe some maga racists who hate her, but hate his skin tone more. Either way, we're going to get a good mayor who will treat the job in the nonpartisan way it was intended.
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