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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 'stache

  1. The reason I feel that Harris is definitely going to win is that I’ve never in my lifetime seen members of the opposing party supporting a candidate at this level. I feel like the never-trumpers this cycle should at least offset or possibly even exceed the trump-only cultists.
  2. Nobody has said that, you’re the one glossing over shit to continue your disingenuous narrative. Troph and others have made clear that it deserves some attention and nuance when it comes to competitiveness, she’s said it multiple times. You choose to ignore it and it’s why people are rightfully inferring that you’re just one of millions of people who are using this as a pretext to simply undermine the very existence of transgendered persons.
  3. Well yeah, but millions of people saw that South Park episode where Randy Savage wore a bow on head and dominated a bunch of women. This is their concern, dude.
  4. I really didn't understand his "Trump saved Obamacare" strategy either, can't imagine many on the right like that response considering they've called it a socialist hellscape for so long. If it was so bad how was it salvagable?
  5. Question stated without any reference to rules that are in place at every major competitive level. So most respondents are thinking Randy Savage wearing a bow and competing against women. The discussion is meaningless without that context, and the most vocal don't give a shit because their sole interest is in virtue signaling.
  6. Conference realignment has fucked up so many rivalries I really am jaded about it at this point and really don't care. Nevertheless, I think there's a valid argument about the big rivalries taking up the ratings that week. I personally would rather see BU-TCU and UU-BYU on that week as well but ultimately doesn't make a shit.
  7. There are rules in place to prevent the South Park scenario of a dude just saying he's a woman and dominating, which is why that is by far one of the dumbest and weakest episodes they ever created. But the whiners don't fucking care, it's about virtue signaling and hate, nothing more, nothing less.
  8. Virtue signaling of the highest order. Way to go Wyoming, you let everyone know your virtue on this one, that'll show 'em!
  9. Stephen Jackson and Matt Barnes? Damn, anyone with any level of fame can be podcasters these days, huh?
  10. I heard Axelrod say that Walz was true to himself and asking him to go outside his comfort zone into some kind of attack dog would do more harm than good. I totally agree. Let Kamala be the prosecutor and let Walz be everyone’s favorite uncle. It’s working.
  11. And she’s losing in all the polls and only an extra $5 can turn it around. Just exhausting.
  12. ‘Member when “flip flopper” was like the worst thing one could be called in politics? I ‘member. JD 2020: Trump is Hitler JD 2024: Trump is the best ever He screwed either way in 2028. If the party tries to get away from Trump he’s on record loving the guy. If they stick to courting maga he’ll be blamed for the loss and that he called him Hitler. All on top of being completely unlikeable and having no genuine beliefs whatsoever, at least none that can be determined from his public comments.
  13. We seriously need some real campaign finance reform in this country. When Walz was announced I bought a yard sign and gave a little on top and ever since I get a dozen texts and emails every single day just begging for me to give a little bit more. I can definitely see people who don’t follow politics much but found a reason this cycle to give $25 being completely turned off and reverting to a “both sides” mentality because it really does feel just about money. No wonder voter participation in this country is so low.
  14. He’s not gonna win lol
  15. Completely bungled abortion too because he cannot hide from his past statements supporting all out bans.
  16. Conservatives saying he did a good job just proves they have zero principals on policy. He was wishy washy on abortion after they’ve told us for 40 fucking years that it should be abolished. Wish washy on gun violence when they’ve said any restriction is illegal. Said Dotard saves the ACA when they tried multiple times to abolish it. Just pure fucking nonsense. It’s truly said that going 90 minutes without a toddler style insult qualifies as good. I’m just glad that vp debate means nothing. Donald will keep being a piece of shit, let’s just get through October and we can finally throw him in the trash bin of history.
  17. If anyone in the middle was thinking "maybe this guy is at least a little normal" he just fucking blew it, lol. What a fucking coward, couldn't address that his boss lost the fucking election.
  18. He really likes the word "peenal"
  19. Vance sounds like a hell of a socialist, lol
  20. Move everyone to Nevada! Alaska? Sounds like a hell of a solution.
  21. With who though? The people who vote only because trump aren't going to like this and the never trumpers aren't going to vote for ticket still headed by donald fucking trump.
  22. This is boring as fuck. That's probably a good thing.
  23. I get the sense that Vance is actually being too nice for the typical magats taste.
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