No democratic ticket will ever win a landslide in this country. We're all just speculating at this point. I think if you replace Biden you lose some support and gain some support, and I truly think the lost support will be bigger than what might be gained. Appealing to the "youths" is not a winning strategy, period. They're supposed to save us every 4 years and it never pans out, especially now since a huge block of young political interested liberals are hung up on Gaza thinking that Biden can stop what's happening there, when the reality is he's gone about as far as he can without losing a huge block of support from older Democrats, you know, the ones who actually vote. I mean, the fact that Rex "I Swear I'm Not MAGA (wink)" Kramer is pressing for Kamala tells you all you need to know, there is just too much racism and misogeny in this country, it's a losing proposition. Again, that's my very strong opinion, but nobody knows for sure what would happen.