Read the syllabus and parts of Sotomayor's dissent. The most disturbing part seems to be the new evidentiary rule that whatever the President said during an official speech cannot be used to prove criminal intent for non-official acts. Her example is that if the President during an official speech says that his opponent should be taken out at all costs and he later is charged with murdering him, the speech can't be used to prove motive to murder the opponent.
So the syllabus makes it sound as though if the district court determines that his Jan 6 actions were not official and were in fact private acts of a political candidate, the case can proceed, which is probably what will happen, but the true protection they seemed to give him was some new strange form of evidentiary immunity, which is crazy. If that's what this really says, yeah, pure political bs. If nothing else, it ensures that if trump is convicted for Jan 6 crimes, another SCOTUS appeal is assured as to whether this new evidentiary rule was properly applied. The fascist justices of course intend that he not be convicted in the first place under these new rules.
It's a whole lot of words that weren't necessary other than to protect the president. So even if the new immunity is not as extensive as they sound, Sotomayor is pissed af that they went well beyond the facts that were part of this case, and which seems to be a new tactic of this rogue court. I don't know the solution unless Biden, dems keep the senate, and Alito and Thomas die within the next 4 years.