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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. 2 hours ago, horn4life said:


    Kevin McCarthy could go down as an American hero, and one of the greatest speakers of the house ever. If he had principles.

    He could turn this revolt of bomb throwers into an amazing speakership.  He could simply bring the house back to regular order. And allow DEMOCRATIC debate and amendments, as well as those from those that would destroy our country for their own vanity.  He could actually lead, not the Republican party, but the US c House of Representatives!

    And he could both provide compromise legislation that had some chance of passing both houses. Simply by doing what the GOP bomb throwers want, allow debate and amendments to all legislation!  Mainly it would produce better legislation because of input.  If he truly adopted a bring all debate and amendments (like the framers intended) house he would gain respect and power.  Not only from his own caucus, but from moderate democrats who are always willing to compromise.  

    Instead what will happen is McCarthy will be a feckless and inconsequential leader, of short duration.  He will likely be the steward of a 1500 point market collapse as the reality that the GOP will indeed default on our debt becomes a reality.  Before, as usual, the democrats save the nation with reasonableness. But it is sad to me.  Reminds me of how different the would could be if President Bush was not beholding to the Saudis  (who bought his oil company for a reason other than political gain 😉 and oil and gas industry that funded his ascension.  What an amazing squandered opportunity that was...  McCarthy could actually use the rules against the far right insurrectionist wing of the GOP.  And change the way the Congress does business and gain the support of some democrats because good legislation that could be passed by the Senate as well could become possible.

    Instead another opportunity for our country lost...


  2. 14 minutes ago, lemonlime said:

    The majority of the country sees it.  The rest of the country could watch the party gun people down on Fifth Avenue, and they'd believe it was the Dems fault because Fox News told them so.

    Oh I'm aware we still have 30-35% of the country that is lost, but up to now theyve been largely unified. What we are seeing is a complete breakdown of commonality within that party. Their direct attack on the left is now going inward, and even against Trump. We need those who have been on the fence regarding moving back to the GOP post-Trump to see that the party has no order, and no actual legislating ethos. If they can't figure this shit out and it ends up with military not getting paid, VA not getting served, reaction to world events being hampered; that's when real real change happens in people's minds regarding the political dynamics at play and how it relates to their day to day. Not the typical virtual reality of fear they've been pumped by the Far Right infosphere. Real pain. 

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