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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. Nice, Walz with the rebuttal pointing out the hypocrisy and weak progress on immigration during Trump presidency
  2. How would deportation work? Vance: Kamala bad and allowed unfettered access to America. Deport criminal migrants. Limit access to the jobs for those migrants.
  3. People are wanting play by play. Kamala started out nervous too.
  4. Walz coming out shaky, trying to remember talking points. Stop saying "fundamental".
  5. He was there to serve as a cosplay field medic.
  6. https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/s/J9YyJ1w2tt Watch if you dare
  7. Where do I subscribe to your newsletter?
  8. Beef back ribs and poppers for the watch party. LSG and Horns for the win!
  9. The wait is worth it. I've thrown everything at this and it's just so easy to get great results.
  10. Holy shit neighbor. Born, raised and currently living in Oak Hill. Many memories of the Convict Hill restaurant as a kid.
  11. SmokeyTheBear


    Thoughts and prayers for all the snowflakes impacted on that tragic day. Never forget.
  12. This is what modernizing politics looks like and I'm down for it. Trump broke "typical" politics and the Democrats are going to rebuild it back better.
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