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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. It's always Russia,  Russia,  Russia with these folks



    "The Russians understand that Donald Trump is a hot button in America and they use their narratives to foment discord and amplify tensions in our country," Rebekah Koffler, a former DIA intelligence officer and the author of "Putin’s Playbook: Russia’s Secret Plan to Defeat America," told Fox News.


    The comments come after multiple Russian media outlets have expressed support for Trump in the days since the FBI raid on his home, with both Izvestia and RenTV arguing over the weekend that the raid was designed to prevent Trump from running for president in 2024.

  2. 15 minutes ago, immamac said:

    All these people saying the civil war is imminent and lots of violence is about to start don't get it. The breakaway force is going to be annihilated by the feds if they try anything. This is the best I have felt about the government being done with taking dotards shit ever. He's fucked. 

    The modern Civil War is in no way going to look like the previous Civil War.  It'll be  guerrilla warfare and be more like a terrorist organization with minimal representation,  but enough to break whatever "normal" has been in politics.  Much like mass shootings in schools has been normalized,  some form of domestic terrorism will be normalized. But it'll be a civil war.  

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  3. 2 hours ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    I wouldnt be so sure that the Norks are going to be complete cannon fodder. 

    unless they are literally conscripts from this year, all the Norks do all year is literally train to kill Americans.  

    The NK army gets the best overall items- not saying its great, but they arent starving like the rest of the country, and they know how to actually use their weapons, right now Russia is clearing out their Siberian gulags and putting those prisoners on the front line. 

    while those guys may be ruthless horrible people, they are all about themselves.   While the Norks are all about NOT being seen as cowards or giving into the imperialist Americans (or in this case American supplied UKr). 

    I wouldnt be too shocked if the Norks arrive that they are actually more useful than the Russian conscripts and may even provide real support. 

    They train against Americans that they met decades ago. They have no idea how to fight a modern war against modern weaponry and tactics. Also, this isn't their war. Russian soldiers are giving up and this is their war. 



    I went down the rabbit hole with this series a while ago and it proved illuminating on just how detached they are from fielding a real modern army. 


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  4. 9 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Probably not. N. Korea has a long history of sending workers to Russia. They’re treated poorly and paid a paltry sum but it’s more than they could make in N. Korea. They get free room and board so they can send their earnings back home. If they try to escape and get caught they’ll be executed and I suspect their families could be punished. They certainly won’t get paid.

    Apparently the worker program was greatly curtailed in 2017 due to UN sanctions over N. Korea’s nuclear program. I don’t know how a mercenary program would affect that. But N. Koreans used to pay bribes for the opportunity to go work in substandard conditions in Russia. Substandard in Russia is still better than living in poverty in N. Korea so at least it’s a step up.


    Vice did a good series on this year's ago



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  5. 9 hours ago, Chewbacca said:

    @SmokeyTheBear sorry you have to leave soon. This has been one of the best summers I remember. Lots and lots of rain is an amazing thing.

    Yeah it's been great. I was concerned with wild fires coming this late in the summer but the afternoon rains have been perfect. We're dreading leaving Monday. 

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  6. 6 minutes ago, Chopper said:

    I haven't been able to find a clip of the "Perry Mason moment" other than the 2 minute one where Jones gets asked if he knows what perjury is. But I did find a summary of what was asked and answered. It appears that within the 2 minute clip about whether he knew what perjury was Jones hadn't understood the enormity of his attorneys' screw-up:



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  7. 3 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    Agreed. I ordered the lunch special at the China Buffet and it comes with unlimited egg rolls but some Chinaman tells me I can’t have more than 10. How is that fucking unlimited? Those people are pure evil and only want to destroy the American Way of Life. 



    damn it, beat to the punch

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  8. 2 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    Jones and Reynal are about to get fucked in the butt by justice, Texas style.

    What kind of actions are viable by the judge? These sanctions. 

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