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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. 3 minutes ago, UpperWestside said:

    The amount of hate contained in that cretin is unending. What an awful existence he has had. Almost eight decades of being angry at the world for not giving him everything he wants. 

    You almost think that can’t be real, but it is. Just an incredible display of narcissism, hatred and evil. 

    And deplorables adore him for it

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  2. 2 hours ago, DalTxHornFan said:

    Stream of consciousness post here:

    We always buy the HEB prepped veggies like peeled garlic, chopped onions, etc. whenever they are on expiration date sale (usually 50% off) and just stick them in our freezer to use later.  Ditto on using the tubes of tomato paste, ginger, and such -- very handy, and no waste.  The frozen basil cubes are very good. There is no need to let any produce go bad -- just freeze it and use it for stock.  We make ice cubes out of any leftover stock.  They can come in handy later.

    Those prepeeled garlic packages are a life saver. Especially when making 40 clove chicken. 

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Not so.  What I am pointing out is the insanity of this notion that if you don't deep throat the foreign policy orthodoxy of the US government, that if you ask for some critical self reflection on how we all got to this place over the course of the last 30 years, and that if you ask people to think critically about some of the most outright crazy propaganda we have been subjected to over the last decade, you are a putin puppet brainlessly regurgitating kremlin talking points.   

    Have they been involved in any of what I highlighted? 

    Are they the master at the strategy of gaslighting populaces to sow discourse to further their goals? 

    When being gaslit, you inevitably consume some off the wall shit as a side effect of being gaslit so that you lose the point....of being gaslit by a nefarious actor. 

    You feed and perpetuate that cycle which is what gets you whatever Putin puppet tag you are so concerned about. 

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    I am not asking you to throw anything away. 

    No you are telling us to ignore Russia and their deconstructive antics. To not factor their strategies within contexts of situations. That they are only a boogieman and never a player in whatever topic at hand you feel we should deflect from. 

    So are they involved within any of the topics I questioned above? 

  5. 4 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    See, what you don't understand is that we have some responsibility for the horrors in Yemen.  So, #bothsides.

    And that's objectively ok

  6. 44 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Russia is objectively in the wrong wrt the invasion of Ukraine.  


    Did they have ANY involvement in Brexit? ANY involvement in trying to break up the EU/NATO? 

    ANY involvement in our latest elections? Do they fund the Trump Org in any way? By a sizable portion? 

    How about a strategy in Syria to push refugees to Europe? 

    Negate responsibilty of downing a passenger jet? 

    Massive amount of malware attacks on our society? 

    Just throw all that away because we are just as bad? That's your contention? Or that you think Russia is too inept to do any of the above and it's all a narrative brought about by the American intel community and propagated by the media monolith? 


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  7. 1 minute ago, Dahobbs said:

    I really don't understand your inability to accept that Russia is a bad actor in this regard. They do all the things people have said. 

    Because Carter Page and some server thing proves that Russia isn't doing anything nefarious around the world. And you're too stupid to see a failing in one little part of the narrative automatically nullifies the rest. 

    CIA out front should have told you

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  8. 17 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Defender and deflector = pointing out some of the totally insane shit that people swallow uncritically when “Russia!” Is invoked. 

    It’s gonna be interesting to see how raising an entire political generation under this level of intensive propaganda shakes out. 

    No no, I prefer to have a major blindspot towards a corrosive actor whose only way to be relevant is to attempt to destroy other countries/alliances that ensure safety of those regions (along with brags about it and provides ample evidence that they are doing so), yet makes sure to point out the travesty of FISA in typical both sides deflection whenever possible. 


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  9. 6 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

    Investigating an attempted coup certainly appears to be a proper reason to use the data passively collected by our intelligence community. There was (and is) a clear and present danger. 

    I don't disagree at all. But will uncover the ability our government has to view everything that is done online, even behind encryption. 

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  10. On 7/27/2022 at 9:49 PM, Bullneck said:

    I'm just going to go out on a limb and say Alex Jones skips leg day.  And ab day.  Pretty much skips the gym altogether.  

    People say, "Fuck cancer."  Not always. 


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  11. 2 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Weird. That seems to imply either they he doesn’t believe in the first amendment freedom of speech and freedom of the press, or he acknowledges that there are in fact limits that can and are placed on the freedoms granted in the bill of rights amendments. 

    Bad news for Alex Jones

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