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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. 42 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    lol, fatty is gonna go on voting for republicans and cheering on the growing fascism because it helps his wallet stay fat. Nothing matters to him except for that sweet moolah. Vote for politicians that support equal human rights for all, but possibly face a slightly higher tax rate or more rules for his day job? Naaaah fuggit let's get vote for the dudes who want to treat women like chattel and teach that the civil war was about states rights and BAN teaching anything that could make grandpappy blush!


    Oh yeah, but he claims to not be a fan of any of that bad shit the republicans do. Just not enough to actually affirmatively do something about it, because it could make him marginally less wealthy

    Yeah, but you can't vote Dem because then America will just become some communist, child trafficking and eating, pride flag worshiping hell scape led by the ghost of Marx. That's it, no other possibility. It's the promise of possible short term gain vs Pol Pot killing fields. 

  2. 5 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    his tech habits are…interesting. he doesn’t use a laptop, doesn’t email, not sure he texts at all. he tweets and talks on the phone - and not sure he does either from a govt or even personal cell phone. 

    think about your parents/uncles in their 70’s and how weird their tech habits are. trump is worse and was like that well before 2016. 

    He also kept a personal cell phone on him at all time that was not secured. 



    Oh and.. 



  3. 1 minute ago, Chewbacca said:
    9 hours ago, SmokeyTheBear said:
    I am. We're here until the 9th. Headed to RMNP this morning. 
    Wtf was up with that pack of dogs the other night? 

    We left on Sunday and just got back up. Don't know about the dogs.

    One night there were some pack of dogs going down the valley. Would not shut up for hours to the point that someone started shooting rounds to scare them off. 

  4. 8 hours ago, Chewbacca said:

    @SmokeyTheBear you still around in Fraser? Think I drove past you last Sunday on 50 when I was on my way out of town.

    I am. We're here until the 9th. Headed to RMNP this morning. 

    Wtf was up with that pack of dogs the other night? 

  5. 25 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Also, this.  This is the America that they want, and are actively pushing for.  They are willing to upend our institutions and destroy the Republic to make this dream a reality.  This - THIS - is what we're going to sacrifice the Republic to gain?  WTF?

    I'd understand if we were gonna sacrifice the Republic for a guaranteed century of UT football dominance, free BBQ and Popeyes on demand, and an army of Sela Ward clones.  But to sacrifice it for a brutal, punishing, merciless, and cruel society with no hope of changing it?  Dumbest trade EVER.

    Weak people need "strong men" to feel secure

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  6. 8 hours ago, fattyflattie said:

    Ok. Let me know when we can discuss gun violence as a whole, I guess.  Be warned, it likely won’t be as simple as pointing to a piece of aluminum and blaming any and all problems on it. 

    How can we talk about it if you are not willing to address regulating the one thing consistent in all these acts?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 54 minutes ago, slorch said:

    1. Stop raising fucked up kids.( impossible and no political value)  I always catch hell on this one, but it is the single biggest factor in the equation.  # of times my mom ever wondered if I'd shoot someone else unless it was in military duty or self-defense: zero.   Same for me and my kids.   Exposure to firearms in the home was regular and has continued to be.  None of those weapons have ever been pointed at a human being, much less been fired at them.

    2. Have much more severe penalties for crimes committed with guns. I do support background checks.  Not big on red flag laws, especially with regard to political rivals/ differing opinions being able to weaponize that process.

    3. I'm not an NRA member, nor have I ever been.  I am not remotely complicit with murders because I won't agree with your so-called solutions, so go fuck yourself.

    1. What about those older "kids" who commit these atrocities? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Paddock

    2. Let's prosecute those shooters super duper hard after they commit their crimes??? 

    If those are your "solutions", you shouldn't want to compare IQ with a gnat. 

  8. 1 hour ago, David Dennison said:

    If guns aren't the problem, why do mass shootings and gun crimes happen with so much more frequency in the United States than in other peer nations?

    If guns aren't the problem, why did Wyatt Earp make Tombstone a gun free zone? The wild fucking west had better gun regulations than we do with much higher population densities. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 1
    • Rage+1 2
  9. 6 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

    Not sure if bullshit but

    Searching by his name. There is a rapper from Chicago that matches that picture. Not sure if same person as shooter. 





  10. 6 hours ago, Chewbacca said:

    New food truck alert. Next to the liquor store between Fraser and WP. Very tasty Al Pastor. Not necessarily better than Shreddy's (in front of Fraser River Brewing Co), but very solid.

    What are you driving so I can honk at you on 50? I'm in a white Landcruiser.

    Grey Highlander with a longhorn decal on back. 

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