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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. 39 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    it just occurred to me that perhaps Clarence is too chickenshit to divorce Ginni (she probably threatened him) so he wants the state to dissolve his marriage for him. i dunno, I just smoked a big bowl. farts

    Dude, you aren't alone. But I too just partook. 


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  2. 26 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Same.  Until then, I'll just point out to lefty posters that I hate them as much or more than they hate me.

    Remember folks, Shit doesn't care. He's on here to remind us all over and over and over. Because he doesn't care. spacer.png

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    • Haha 1
  3. 41 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    I got put on timeout for a week twice, each time, for going after the fucker.

    Once, because I stated the name of his church, which he absolutely mentioned on the other site (otherwise, how would I have ever known? I don't live in Houston and have never met him. I wasn't even completely sure I got the name right, but he confirmed it in his response). The second time was for quoting a couple of snippets from that same church's "we believe page" (without mentioning the name of the church) to point out how Johnny's hypocrisy runs contrary to what his place of worship supposedly espouses. Others have posted various accounts of how active his role is in that church.

    In both cases, they were in direct response to him making very personal and direct attacks on two separate posters. In the first case, he was being an absolutely toxic misogynist, making fun of the appearance of a female poster suffering through Covid. In the other case, he led a riled up cabal (yes, I said it) of angry, spiteful sewage spewers who were shitting all over one of our LGBTQ+ sisters. So far as I know, she, an excellent poster btw, has only made one appearance on this site since.

    The point I'm making is that he likely reported me in both cases (and I took my lumps without complaint) while is somehow treated with kid gloves in spite of the poisonous bile he vomits all over other posters. His celebration last night of an assault on peaceful protesters and this morning's link to a known "fake news" website that spreads Putin's propaganda deserve something.

    What's the name of his church? I want to stand outside and protest their terroristic views with an AR and a face mask. You know, since his ilk is cool with that. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  4. 1 minute ago, Dahobbs said:

    Others have already said it, but absense is not precedent. The Supreme Court had never addressed whether a right to control your own in body existed before. But, after Roe, it reaffirmed that such rights existed multiple times. What's amazing is that this Court, in complete abandonment of the principles that has guided it since its creation, removed a right that had been previously established. I don't believe that has ever happened before. That should be terrifying to everyone. 

    This is the "slippery slope" scenario the right has had paranoia about for decades regarding government control, and yet...... It's cool cause it's their slippery slope. 

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    • Rage+1 2
  5. Hey everyone, remember that Sack o shit doesnt care. He cares so little that he feels it necessary to keep reminding us over and over how little he cares. 


    What a fucking pathetic loser. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. 2 minutes ago, Macklemore said:

    Too bad there aren’t neat and tidy sides to join and fight for. Lots of purple and and blue in red states. It would be more like the Lebanese civil war if it ever came it it here. Complete destruction and neighbors fighting neighbors.  

    All in your gods plan, right? You must be giddy at the prospects. 

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  7. 1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

    Does everyone see how worthless the Democratic Party is now?

    This isnt on the Dems. This is on McConnell and this is on the local Rs willing to bend and break the rules to run the system from a minority. I'm not going to blame people for not having a nefarious mind in how to gain power. Sadly those with a nefarious, win at all costs, mindset have power and probably locked in their power to the detriment of our democracy. We are now firmly in a Cold Civil War, on the precipice of a hot one. 

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  8. Just now, Chewbacca said:

    Have fun.  It's been really nice so far this summer.  Hope the moisture keeps up.

    Thanks. I noticed the rain has been consistent. Hoping that will limit the chance for fires this season. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:

    Moose Run again?  Just please don't drive a fucking side by side around on 50.  Those things are the scourge of the earth.  So fucking loud.

    Yep, Moose Run. We don't own or rent those. Mountain biking and hiking is our speed. 

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