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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. 4 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:

    My general outlook for the CO mountains is the same as yours, but then again, I also thought that we would have gone into a recession with the pandemic, not a RE frenzy.  So my crystal ball doesn't work.

    Will be back in your neck of the woods for July. 

  2. 24 minutes ago, Goofyboy said:

    Our current plan is to stay. I’m hoping there are a lot of quiet people that have had enough of the GOP’s shit. I know there is a bigger liberal group in my neighborhood than what speaks up. Hell, there is a trans flag flying the next street over.

    That said - We need 5 - 6 years before we sell and go. That’s if things go from bad to worse. My kid will be out of school at that point, so we can really go anywhere in the world. I really hope it doesn’t come to that.

    Our kid is the only reason we are staying for now. Born and raised in Austin so luckily we are in a bubble but I'm ready to leave and have a couple friends who are making the move to other states purely for political reasons. 

    • Like 2
  3. 25 minutes ago, Jive Turkey said:

    GQP on GOP violence is part of the platform:

    Even though I'm all in on schadenfreude of the Rights FAAFO.... This? Fuck this. 


    *however, this might be the type of thing that forces the GOP to actually do something, anything to address the  violence and angst they've fed over the decades. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Brian Fantana said:

    I would argue that the sheer magnitude of the consequences of the Patriot Act alone have been more damaging to our country than 1/6 has been (so far). Not to mention the extreme reactionary attitude adopted by large swaths of our population as a result of that day. One could argue the Trump administration (and 1/6) are a culmination of the fucked up way our overall political attitude has shifted in the wake of 9/11.

    However, like I said, we're still in the beginning of the beginning with regard to the long term consequences of 1/6, so time will ultimately tell.

    I'd also argue that the Bush administrations actions regarding the expanding scope of military response, especially lies to justify, fed into general distrust of government (deep state and military complex). A major underlying theme to the alt-right is their justification for "burning it all down" to start over again. They think they are patriots fighting against a tyrannical government. All bad things can now be veiwed done by the boogeyman government (rightly or wrongly). See: https://texags.com/forums/16/topics/3295595

    Government reactions to 9 11 could be argued directly fed into the insurrection by amplifying distrust of government...... Along with the decades long marketing campaign by the GOP that government is bad. 

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