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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. 10 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

    But there’s huge potential upside for the Chinese in that the weaker Putin is, the more favorable terms for the Chinese to plunder their natural resources and potentially turn the Russians into a client state. 

    Absolutely truth. If/when Putin falls, the next big phase of this is who gets to get the bigger piece of the piroshki. 

  2. Where this is bad for China is that they were stronger together with Russia on the world stage. Fri-enemies with similar goals to minimize the strength of the west. If/when Putin is out of power, IF Russia moves in a democratic path, then China is on an island. A very large island, but they become the main target for all the rest of the world to put in a box. 

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Pescado_Rojo said:

    So we find someone to give Putin a Sicilian Necktie. Then what? I assume we don't want Lavrov or Medvedev in power, as they were Putin acolytes. Who from the military that would be palatable to the west could take and hold power long enough for elections and a Russian return to the civilized world? The Defense Minister that got sacked? If he's still alive...

    The west isn't the only player on the board. You have to know China is waiting to control their neighbor that has a large energy supply. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    The rest of y’all, try to come up with an endgame where Vlad DOESN’T use a tactical nuke?
    He’s never getting his easy win. His BEST case is to capture cities and continue to get his forces slaughtered (and eventually pushed out of some of those cities) by an incredibly well armed and well funded resistance. Nevermind the crippling sanctions and complete ostracism from the international community that aren’t going away. Nevermind a NATO that is bigger and stronger than ever, and likely has new members. That is Vlad’s WIN.
    Nope. He’s not going to accept that. His best remaining move is to escalate, use weapons of mass destruction, and hope that it scares the west badly enough that they offer him terms that allow him to declare victory in Ukraine.
    At this point, it may be that the two most likely options are 1) Putin uses a tactical nuke, or 2) Putin is killed in an inside job.


  5. 1 minute ago, pops said:

    Putin might be 100 percent at going for nukes. But he isn't right in the head. He can't launch them himself. As fucking horrible as social media is,  it's allowing the truth to sneak into Russia. 

    I dont see anyone pushing the button knowing he just killed himself and all his loved ones. Not for that deranged fuck. 

    Now a tactical nuke in Ukraine?  Maybe. Which is horrible and ensures the end of Russia as it presently exists. But the icbms and hypersonics are not getting their fuse lit. 

    You just have to hope that his military gives up on him. They already are but if the people of Russia sees him launching nukes (tactical or not), I've got to think they full on revolt. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, rpspeed said:

    Russia doing work minimizing NATO


    Kosovo has asked the United States to establish a permanent military base in the country and speed up its integration into NATO after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Kosovo's Defence Minister Armend Mehaj said on Sunday.

    The United States has already 635 soldiers in the Balkan country to maintain the fragile peace as part of a NATO peacekeeping mission.

    "Accelerating Kosovo's membership in NATO and having a permanent base of American forces is an immediate need to guarantee peace, security and stability in the Western Balkans," Mehaj said on his Facebook page.

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  7. 6 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    Holy fucking shit!




    NATO member Turkey changed its rhetoric to call Russia's assault on Ukraine a "war" on Sunday and pledged to implement parts of an international pact that would potentially limit the transit of Russian warships from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea.

    Kyiv had appealed to Ankara to block any more Russian ships from entering the Black Sea, from which Moscow launched an incursion on Ukraine's southern coast. At least six Russian warships and a submarine transited Turkey's straits this month.

    "It is not a couple of air strikes now, the situation in Ukraine is officially a war... We will implement the Montreux Convention," Mevlut Cavusoglu, Turkey's foreign minister, said in an interview with broadcaster CNN Turk.

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  8. Just now, 956 Worldwide said:

    If there are, likely other Allies— Poles or Balts at first guess. And we’ve been training these guys for seven years now, not months. To no end of controversy. There’s a reason that Putin was so angry at the joint training on the ground and wanted it done.  Trust me, the Ukrainian NCOs and junior officers that we worked with have not been fucking around and have been sponges.  

    There was that video from a British "volunteer" with clearly a voice of an American in the background. 

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