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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. He better be careful or he'll run out of time
  2. Dems should load up with a bunch of weapons and Pubs have theirs. Then we could fight a war to decide how to govern in the future. What's there to lose?
  3. I think it would be fun to fish with dynamite but the fucking communist guvment outlawed it
  4. "This is not the time to politicize guns in America" Can't do that if there are mass shootings every other day.
  5. I may or may not have taken pics of my Griswold.
  6. But let's retrofit every school in the nation to become hardened bunkers. How? With what money? How about tax the shit out gun purchases like we do yes cigarettes. Pay for the mental health crisis.
  7. Looking at original cast, all the people alive are who I thought died and all that I thought died are alive.
  8. A "reasonable" gun owner would, but those are too quiet to enact change. The common ones will scream about the deep state putting them on some list to be killed by Soros and some socialist agenda.
  9. Hound them all like MTG did to school shooting victims. They need to taste their own medicine. Relentlessly.
  10. Yet far more effective in a self defense situation in your home. Love the visual of someone with a long gun running down their hallways getting to a defensive position while hopped up on adrenaline and fear. Then shooting holes thru walls into their neighbors house.
  11. And yet we outlaw sawed off shotguns and Yeehaw-dists dont freak about that. There is something specific to the AR and AK platforms that they identify with that they will fight to the death to hold onto. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the politicians that glorify them in every fucking campaign ad calling themselves true patriots. But don't politicize them.
  12. I'm hanging up there in July. It's Trump country which is always fun. Random open air public use gun range right off the road real close and it always had dudes running their ARs.
  13. The video game argument is backwards logic on crack. What is the problem with video games? THEY'RE TOO VIOLENT! What makes them violent? THEY GLORIFY USING GUNS! 😐
  14. Astounding that we the people were OK with getting on lists and taking our shoes off anytime we go to the airport due to 1 failed terrorist attempt, but not ok with jumping thru a couple hoops to buy a machine designed to kill multiple people as efficiently as possible. We are ok with having to be trained, insured, and regularly regulated to drive a car, but not for owning a machine designed to kill multiple people as efficiently as possible. That we are ok to hold accountable a bar owner for someone who may kill someone driving home after a night of drinking, but not anyone involved in the mass shooting of innocent children. Nothing about our current situation is even close to adhering to the constitution. Guns are minimally regulated and not part of a militia designed as state defense. It is sickening that a large portion of this country fetishizes machines designed to kill as many people as possible as efficiently as possible, all while clutching their bible in one hand and some twisted version of the Constitution in the other.
  15. What about information warfare? It could be argued that without help from Russia, Trump might not have been President.
  16. Taiwan is probably gobbling up any kind of learnings from this engagement.
  17. The other one is the rune of the God Tyr. Often used as a protection symbol in war, meaning justice. I hate how the far right idiots steal others cultures for their own uses. They did the same with skinhead culture. S.H.A.R.P. for life
  18. Yo bro. I'm not one to fret about rep. but note there are two smokeys here: the original (me) and the shit stain imposter you quoted.
  19. One thing to me that makes Ukraine's claim stronger is the fact that the remainder of the Russian fleet has backed off a bit. Why if it was a mistake?
  20. This Maria Butina? https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/03/nra-maria-butina-ukraine-putin-war-crimea-republicans-trump-guns/ https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/467425-russian-agent-butina-to-be-released-from-prison-deported/
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