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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. You use what you can. They've already knocked out a ship with MLRS system which is not designed for ships.
  2. They'll get hijacked by pirates in African waters. Love to see the imagery of a Russian warship be towed by a fishing boat.
  3. Heard they had 2 days worth of backup generator power
  4. Sorry if already asked but is Russia's failure rate on missiles/bombs abnormally high? Seems like we see a lot of unexploded ordinance but have no reference due to the social media aspect of this war vs previous wars.
  5. Can't Ukraine just promise to not be in NATO, then when Russia leaves just join NATO and say they were crossing their fingers behind their back? It's the Russian playbook.
  6. Maybe it's not FSB and maybe it's all about psyops
  7. That is all for his people. He needs to act like a rational actor but the rest of the world knows what's really up.
  8. Looking at the videos, this isn't errant shelling. This is straight up shooting up the building with all forms of guns from all sides. This is very intentional. Fuck Putin.
  9. Man, I aint shaking hands with no Russians in this context
  10. Reports this morning that Putins approval rating in Russia has gone up. Russians hate the war but they don't like the west attacking their economy. Going to be a long slog.
  11. Yeeeaaahhhh. I mean. That seems like a shot across the bow.
  12. Submariners scare me in the context of a post Putin de-escalation phase. Those boys will not know current events the way the army and air forces would.
  13. This lasts until Putin is dead or removed from leadership. I really dont see any other option.
  14. "when he saw an enemy tank" BTW, just got the s22 ultra, and the pen for translating tweets is coming in super handy
  15. We're buying it from Russia to help kill Russians. Circle of life.
  16. Absolutely truth. If/when Putin falls, the next big phase of this is who gets to get the bigger piece of the piroshki.
  17. So was this initially done by Russia so that his people wouldn't proactively revolt? Or so that the invasion wouldn't leak to the rest of the world ahead of time?
  18. Where this is bad for China is that they were stronger together with Russia on the world stage. Fri-enemies with similar goals to minimize the strength of the west. If/when Putin is out of power, IF Russia moves in a democratic path, then China is on an island. A very large island, but they become the main target for all the rest of the world to put in a box.
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