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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. 8 minutes ago, Beer Horn said:

    This is true but the answer is to not recruit better tacklers but teach them how to tackle. IMO

    Some might say we should kill ourselves in recruiting to solve the issue

    • Rage+1 2
  2. "Tackling is a problem in America right now. I'm not making excuses for us, we gotta tackle better." 

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  3. 14 hours ago, bolverk said:

    Or whomever the Surly poster was that ran into him a couple of times on a Jamaican beach during his family vacation. He should've ignored his wife's pleadings to not make a scene and kicked sand in that tucker's face.

    Yeah that was me and I was getting drunk at the beach bar waiting for an opportunity to engage with him while some old dude in his wedding party was telling this gay couple how much better Republicans are for them since, you know, "Pol Pot was a socialist and that's what the Dems support." I did see him on a bike ride around the resort later and told him "fuck you Tucker!" as we biked by. My wife asked if I felt better and, frankly, I did. Still wish I could have coaxed him into the ocean for a "swim". 

    • Haha 2
  4. On 8/16/2021 at 9:45 PM, mchookem said:

    i keep seeing references to us not providing proper oversight...am i misremembering or did the Trump admin remove the 'observer' or whatever that position was over in the Wuhan province? had that position been there forever, or did Obama create it? 

    i mean, it seems like the story was that Obama put that position in place specifically to watch out for The Next Big Thing so we could get ahead of it and Trump elminated the position because Obama. 

     i swear i remember it being pointed out at the beginning of this thing...or do i? 🤔 what other oversight are we talking about...did we have people actually in labs over there?? and did they just crap out on the job?





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  5. 13 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    That was fucking weird right?  Why was he anti-war?  Wouldn’t expect him to be pro-war, necessarily, but that was like the one thing he actually held a consistent position on. 

    Easy political points since most of our country wanted out of there and done with war in general. We will be hungry for it again soon. 

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