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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. Does that personally offend you for some weird reason? And we would rather our government and the rule of law take care of the leadership of the Trump Reich. Not vigilante style justice like he and his ilk propose. What do you favor? Imagine being triggered by anti-Nazi talk
  2. My thought on how this will go down (if it goes down) is that there will be a bigger focus on attacking "Lib" cities and states. You are already seeing that language come from some in that camp. We will see terrorist style actions on basic utilities around the country. There will be no army on army warfare, just guerilla style actions on cities and maybe things that happen in rural areas trying to control logistics (take out a train, freight trucks, burn down warehouses, etc). The common person would have to worry more about supply chain problems and fighting power/water outages. However, that alone would probably cause enough pain for others in large population centers to increase violence in order to obtain resources. This ultimately might bring about martial law in some areas, which would erode democracy as we know it.
  3. Lol Jesus It's all fake larping, what are yall even talking about .... Well go out there are start murdering some folks
  4. Wait wait wait Libs are cucks yet the headliner that these wanna be alphas are going to see is named "The Bull". Projection goes deeeeep with this crowd.
  5. But that part was BREAKING! 911! No time for context.
  6. What makes leftists "stuck" to the cities? And how is preparation for dealing with righties who have had a hard on for this exact scenario for decades, larping? And cities have a +50% criminal population?
  7. Yeah, but who has invested in Bakker Buckets??
  8. I didn't get any full auto, no control and would just dump precious ammo.
  9. I have been historically anti pretty much anything semi or full auto when it comes to gun ownership. I was raised in Texas, hunting with your typical bolt action rifles (.243/.222/30 30). Since Trump was elected and instigated a potential civil war, I've purchased a 556 and built a 300 blackout sbr purely for the potential of needing to have a bigger stick if parts of society start to fail and I need to fight for resources or fight against nazis. It's perverse but here we are.
  10. Thats the GOPs part of the strategy using Fox and reenforcing sides in lots of levels: Political sides, question framing in which the are only 2 sides and they always align politically, etc. Russia used the GOPs decades long strategy to grab and maintain power with a shrinking voter base, and did it masterfully. No doubt with help of China as a potential kill shot to our standing in the world. If the election fraud shit took hold and the insurrection worked, Putin and Xi would be dealing with a Trump and they could make their moves without a unified response from the rest of the world.
  11. Happy holidays (oh no!) to the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse.
  12. Nothing "well" or "regulated" about those paranoid fascists.
  13. I used to run the Oakley store there 20 years ago. Malls need to die.
  14. Historical fiction based on? Who are these minorities you are referring to? Are we talking some CRT for gun owners?
  15. When are they going to enforce the first 4 words of the second amendment? "A well regulated militia" always seems to be a disregarded qualifier.
  16. Very true. But this whole situation is odd. Meadows says he'll play ball, offers tons of incriminating evidence, then bounces?
  17. Don't know why, but I don't trust this PowerPoint data point. Or this whole Mark Meadows situation for that matter.
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