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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. 9 minutes ago, DonkeyCigars said:

    You have misread me. I'm not advocating for anything here today. I'm just trying to say I now I understand why this is a political football the last 30 days.

    I'm not pro or anti-CRT. I am more libertarian on the topic-- I guess more "not a racist, than anti-racist", if you will. You want CRT, great for it. You don't? great go for it. Vote with your feet and wallets.

    So you believe that there have been unjust historical events that have led to certain power structures? 

    That those power structures disproportionately negatively impact some races and favor others?

    That by perpetuating these power structures, these disproportionate impacts on certain races will only strengthen? 

    But you're so "libertarian" that you would rather live - let - live? Because by not advocating for the opposition of those structures, you advocate for them. 

    You said you had kids; what do you think the long term ramifications of these systems if they keep going in perpetuity? Increased wealth disparity, increased poverty (thus increased crime), further limiting of votes of the people in favor of votes of the big businesses (and their 0.1% owners), etc. Does that sound like a libertarian utopia to you? 


  2. 39 minutes ago, DonkeyCigars said:

    Man your post unlocked something for me.

    We agree that CRT is about understanding why. Everyone agrees with that; "it's just a framework" we say, in and of itself it is value neutral.

    But you added a follow-on. It's the next step action items that is the heart of the division. You say it as "...and then address it." That implication-- an action based off of learnings from CRT-- is what makes it not value neutral, but positive for those who are fighting for change and negative for those who are negatively impacted by change. Thus: a division and issue to fight over!

    I've read a lot about CRT over the last 30 days and read every post on this thread from mostly people whose politics I don't wholly agree with and my takeaway is:

    It makes 100% sense why this is something that is fought over, because it's a tool for change (via disruption at best, conflict at worst) and, this might be a hot political take, but I feel like those who are boogeymanning this (e.g. white people who want to keep power/influence/privilege, GOP/GQP, etc.) are actually very prescient in making this a battle.

    One of the smartest things they are doing to protect their interests is fighting this tooth and nail and not letting it gain a foothold, because they inherently know the end game here isn't just an academic investigation and whitepapers and junior college MLA formated essays about CRT, but the actual change that CRT will try to enable. It's dishonest to say "what's so wrong with learning the real history and experiences, etc. it's just knowing knowledge" because the reality is, CRT is a tool for people to gather ammo and build a case-- defensible/justifiable data to get more of the pie at the expense of those who are hoarding a lot of the pie.

    I think the last insight I had, personally, and you guys might already know, but I think I underestimate those with power and privilege and fortunes and how they are always on hyper alert to anything that will erode that and are a paranoid bunch. You just aren't going to sneak up on these guys with any nonviolent, well-reasoned or polite ask based on reason.

    It just reinforces my opinion that in America, you aren't going to claw any substantial gains in equality, inclusivity and diversity through any political or academic strategies. It will be through violence of the threat of violence (e.g. uprising, riots, destruction to economy, wealth, etc.). 

    The only reason anyone would fight against this is if they don't like the competition. Well, fuck them. They're the same ones that own a big business and do anything in their power to sue smaller businesses to limit competition, then say they believe in capitalism. Same with race relations. Keep a race down so they can't be within, as some on this site would put it, their community. 

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  3. 13 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    Well that does it. Here I am smack dab in the middle of Texas and half the time I call one of my children by another's name and apparently that disqualifies me to be President of the United States. You don't know how broken hearted that makes me.


    Yeah, but the evil lib cabal made fun of Trump's many....many.....many....many gaffs, so fair game now. 

    Yes GR, fair game. 

  4. Again, pardon my ignorance on this subject; but aren't we basically talking about asking ourselves the question on whether a piece of legislation may of have an unbalanced impact on certain races based on historical and modern data? Like, isn't that what we should do since all men are created equal, they haven't been historically treated that way, and now we need to address it? It feels like if you have a problem with that, then you need to look in the mirror and assess what scares you about that. And offloading your fear on what others might not like about this is a weaselly way of dealing with the subject. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, Post Oak said:

    I've found having kids has finally allowed me to set expectations of my parents like never before.

    It works because my parents are madly in love with their grandkids and they are not crazy trumpers.

    I've also discovered that the only reason my mother wanted to have kids is so she could have grandkids.  I'm simply a transport for grandkids

    Truth. My MIL was an alcoholic when we had our kid. We told her she wouldn't have our kid visit or spend the night until she got clean. After 20+ years of pill and alcohol abuse, and countless conversations trying to implore her to seek help, our kid was born and she immediately got clean. Leverage that shit. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/06/09/joshua-hall-trump-imposter-fraud/?outputType=amp

    Others getting in on the grift game. 


    Hall, now 22, allegedly posed as the former president’s brother, along with numerous other relatives, including his minor son Barron, as part of a scheme to steal thousands from Trump supporters who thought they were donating to help his campaign.

    But now getting charged with fraud, so, we need to figure that part out. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 9 hours ago, Hmmm said:

    I'm struggling with this as well.  Trying to explain sound investing to my youngers.  And, this type is considered "Boomer" thinking by the youngers.

    A lot of young gens don't want to work for their money.  And that's fair, I guess.

    Yeah, I don't agree with your thinking here. The younger generation is just taking the rigged systems we shrugged our shoulders with and decided to change the game. We're seeing it in all facets of our society and that's a good thing. Adapt or die. 


    Fyi - CLOV and WISH up 25% before open

    • Hook 'Em 3
  8. It's truly sad that a large swath of our society voted for a man to change the rules of Washington and the country, applauding the destruction of every norm of the Presidency, built over decades of governance and experiences (for good and bad [mostly bad]). Flaunting the fact that Trump was doing so and eagerly awaiting the next attack from him on our society. And then here we are, in the wake of that mess, employing the same demeanor back at them. And they crumble. Feckless and snowflaky: The modern conservative. 


    Reap what you sow


  9. 19 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    The delta was 8m iirc.  And that included a metric fuck ton of people who just couldn’t deal with Trump, single issue voters if you will. 

    That's a stat for the election. A few big things happened since, that luckily, chipped that away a bit. Regardless of percentage, they've earned our ire. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    I have no idea what you’re talking about here. 

    I’m just sitting here in scenic Galveston, TX, USA. Halftime of the Mavericks game and I’m looking for recruiting news. Looks like poor Donkey Cigars made the mistake of disagreeing with CR orthodoxy. He’s no sock of mine. Just another one of the other half of the country y’all despise here. 

    Third of the country. And we despise for a good god damn reason. A third of our nation is too dumb to realize they despise democracy while wrapping themselves in the flag and calling us traitors. Fuck you. 

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