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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. I think I quoted many points from the article relevant to this and other threads around how many don't have IDs (granted, didn't take into account your qualifier), legislation that disenfranchises voters, and that do so disproportionately for certain races. You're welcome.
  2. My point being that if you had enough gumption to ask the question, you could search and provide the answer with a simple Google search. Larger point is that there shouldn't be any hurdle to vote, especially ones that disproportionately impact certain groups of potential voters.
  3. First hit on Google: https://www.aclu.org/other/oppose-voter-id-legislation-fact-sheet What would happen if we applied CRT to our election system?!
  4. Redneck Rave? Isn't that basically the Gathering of the Juggalos?
  5. Trump was a circus sideshow and couldn't get elected until he did. Apathy towards him, his supporters, and whoever carries the water of the crazies after him will only blow back in our faces. Healthy skepticism of that whole wing of politics is warranted and needed so it can't latch onto whatever the latest conspiracy is that will drum up enough support to do the next crazy thing.
  6. Timely article https://apnews.com/article/gun-background-checks-blocked-record-high-sales-e0c3105b6632740b8f15858cd930441a?utm_medium=ap&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=socialflow&s=09
  7. Sarah will just respond with an ad holding an AR and sporting a blue line flag hat, and blow this dude out of the water. Only sort of joking.
  8. Yeah, availability to guns and mental illness is an issue in many cities, races, communities and classes. That's why something should be done about it. Allowing easier availability to the gun is not the solution. Thanks for highlighting how pervasive the problem is in our country.
  9. Russia stands to gain the most from climate change. If it warms enough, Siberia could be the most agricultural rich area in the world. Let alone the resources under the arctic.
  10. For the first time in our history, America could be invaded. We benefited from relative geographical isolation that allowed us to grow to the super power we are with limited checks from adversaries. With the internet, we created multiple entry points into our society that have left us vulnerable. Russia (and others) finally figured out ways to weaken us by using our own ignorance and perceived exceptionalism against us.
  11. That's not his way of doing things though. He dances on the edges without definitively declaring anything so he can come back at some later date and claim some sort of intellectual superiority on any subject. Always in hindsight. It's masterful in its own way.
  12. You having a bad day? You seem a little out of step, not as smooth and subtle in your both sides'ism.
  13. If you want to characterize it like that, sure. This is a message board with random users posting shit that we get to poke at, discuss, add context and perspective to. As users, you start learning about other users and how they view the world and the context to which they post stuff. Some poke at others in that regard. So within this site, yes it's political war. But guess what, this was developed over decades by media companies and political parties with the zenith being Trump, who made it be his supporters as the true patriots and all others as enemies. That hasn't happened before and thinking that the politics of the day are the politics historically (in America), you are gravely mistaken. Trump was voted in to break the system and now we are to believe that the Biden administration is following suit? Based on what evidence? Pee tapes, Russia Russia Russia, whatever BS lens you try to view the opposition thru is perpetuaring that schism by equating Trumps actions to all others and normalizing it. See annies arguments. Biden took sanctions away for an ally yet added even more sanctions to Russia for their misdeeds. Does that sound like Biden is acquiescing to Putin? Personally I think we should sanction the shit out of Russia but I also am not privy to all the info Biden and team have and the pressures from allies. I don't get to sit in the daily briefings but glad that this President is actually doing so and trust that he can strategize how to deal with Russia better than someone who was their most powerful defender. Politics is rarely black and white yet there are those trying to make it so.
  14. That Biden removed sanctions but also added even more sanctions and that means he is in Putins pocket just like Trump? But not like Trump because there was nothing between Russia and Trump?
  15. So you have brain worms? Help me understand annie.
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