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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. Yeah, that's not appropriate
  2. You've obviously not seen the pattern of responses by those posters highlighted. They get shit on because, by that point, most are tired of their disingenuous or completely fallacious point of view. So they get called out. No one owes anyone a pat on the back for bringing complete bullshit opinions/statements to the table. We have misinformation overload right now and it's important to call it out. I'd argue it's a duty of all citizens of our country right now.
  3. Uhhhh no. That was in response to the common assertion that Trump had an investigation that showed China was clearly to blame and then Biden shut down a completely above board investigation to make some political win.
  4. I don't think that happened like you are framing it
  5. Its in response to all the ones who are so afraid to engage in that thread out of some weird fear of being crowdsourced (which really only happens to those who earn it, which is rare). You have stuck in there no matter what. Kudos to you, seriously. Personally, I don't like posting to DT because I don't want to worry about discussing a point of view that might involve some political angle. Id far prefer to discuss topics freely with the understanding there will be some assholes that might respond. So be it, ignore them. I want to have my views and opinions challenged. All. The. Time. Cause that allows me to find truth. You can't do that in some gated capacity for fear of feelings.
  6. It's pretty hard to trust what the Trump administration says when they were in pure reaction to whatever dumb shit he said. Forced to make things up to make what he said reality, instead of reality dictating what he said. So yes, everyone has a feeling that China fucked up and inadvertently let loose this virus, but that doesn't mean we blindly take the word of Trump without some sort of independent investigation to prove out the cause.
  7. Man, some of yall seem to forget the site you are on and it's roots in crass discourse. I didn't realize so many of you all were so sensitive and fragile to the point of needing your own space to not feel challenged in your views. Fucking welcome to life. There are those who will respond in ways that don't feel right, but I'm sure you get that in the real world too. In some ways I get it, the old CR was a cesspool of self righteous conservatives with minimal liberals able to get their points across. But now with Trump, the whole thing has been flipped because the right doesn't have a position to hold onto anymore, and that's tough to justify when challenged. In summation, you snowflakes can go fuck your feelings in your safe space or pull yourself up by your bootstraps and try to strengthen your position thru open, unfiltered discourse.
  8. You no doubt served my family once or twice then. I grew up in Oak Hill.
  9. It's really quite simple. One is a personal choice that impacts that immediate family only. The other has the potential to impact anyone you come across in your day to day. If you didn't go out in society, then who cares if you don't want to vaccinate because you are not a risk to everyone around you.
  10. Ohhhhh, chocolate chocolate chip. Must be some CRT dog whistle.
  11. In an exchange first reported by the Washington Post, McCarthy said: “There’s …there’s two people, I think, Putin pays: [California Representative Dana] Rohrabacher and Trump … [laughter] … swear to God.” According to the transcript, speaker Paul Ryan immediately responded: “This is an off-the-record … [laughter] … NO LEAKS … [laughter] … alright?!”
  12. This may be skirting some line, but can we identify these folks? If only to highlight to them their bad behavior?
  13. Nevermind the fact that whatever "sane" Republican that is an option would still be part of the former establishment that lead to the issues we see today, including Trump. There is no real ideology to govern in the Republican party in the past couple decades other than to consolidate power in a winner takes all ethos.
  14. An actual reasonable response. Thanks GR for the constant reminders of the competency of this administration. Especially compared to the last.
  15. Try it with a touch of distilled or seasoned rice instead of salt.
  16. Dudette, Jyna is the preferred nomenclature
  17. Celery salt on corn on the cob Soft boiled eggs over toast with black pepper and vinegar for breakfast
  18. This could be cross posted to the CRT thread https://www.bbc.com/news/health-56889861
  19. Would be great to squash it and remove the ability for residuals
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