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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. 2 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Because that is not how these examples are being framed.  Certainly not my brothers who son has sever learning disabilities and god damn well isn't privileged at all other than he was born into a 2 parent household  and is being told he's an "oppressor"

    And if a teacher is telling a grade student that they are an "oppressor", then yeah, fucked up. The framing of this is based on anecdotal evidence and not anything substantive to have a fit about. You are choosing to latch onto absurd hearsay rather than reality. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Macklemore said:

    The first and most important priority any parent has is to give their children the best opportunity to succeed in life. Sending your kids to a nice, private, Christian school in Houston is a good way to do it. Kids with educated parents with similar socio-economic backgrounds forming bonds with other kids and being primed to get accepted into prestigious universities, which will open doors for them the rest of their lives. There is zero problem with that and any parent that has the opportunity and means to give their child that should be commended for doing so. There is nothing more important than securing an excellent education for your kids. Paying an arm and leg in tuition for private school and making that sacrifice, you bet your ass that a lot of people would be pissed off at a CRT curriculum that is divisive and disconcerting to kids at a young age. You want to teach your kids how to be grateful for their private school and nice lifestyle - take them to volunteer at the Star of Hope or the Houston Food Bank. What I don't fucking want is some 20 something teacher to tell me that my kids and I are oppressors.

    And no one is saying that. What they are saying is, "hey kids, yall have a great life and your parents have given you what you need and more to succeed in life. Now, let me tell you about the others in this world and how your experience doesn't necessarily relate to 99% of the current human experience. And if you are white, nothing wrong with that, but you may want to know that your experience will more than likely be better than anyone elses."

    Why does that scare you? How does that take from you? Your mindset perpetuates the issues because you would rather build a bubble around yourself and your children rather than accept the obvious and work to address it. And now they will grow up oblivious to the issues because they only got a small controlled view of the world, skewed thru your fear. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 10 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    We discuss it at home all the time.  And give thanks for all our blessings before every meal and before bed.

    What I have a problem with is assigning victim or oppressor status collectively to a group based on their skin color. One of my best friends at my kids' school is half Mexican and half Lebanese.  He has a Mexican surname and looks like a Mexican.  Fairly dark skinned.  His wife is a beautiful blonde woman with blue eyes.  Their son looks just like dad and the daughter looks just like mom.  One day the son comes home very upset.  His teacher had the class line up by race.  Whether they were white, brown, asian or black as measures of their privilege.  He had no idea what to say.  These are young kids at a Christian school.  I see no reason to separate the kids by race.  You are dividing kids when no division really exists.  These kids are not racist.  It is difficult for any kid growing up these days to be a racist.  We want it to be discussed from a biblical perspective.  That we are all created in God's image.  That Jesus was a person of color and loves us all.  Anyone can be racist because sin can arise in all of our hearts. We are brothers and sisters.

    Certainly as the kids get older, racism and the legacy it leaves until this day should be discussed.  Slavery, Jim Crow, Civil Rights leaders, etc. Got zero issue with that being taught in elementary or junior high.  

    As to material privilege, at our school all the kids are privileged in one way or the other.  We have many billionaire and multi hundred million net worth families. One of my daughter's good friends has a "party house" no one even lives at on River Oaks Boulevard.  I would say we should all be thankful for our material blessings, that someone will always have more and someone will always have less, and to be generous helping the less fortunate since Jesus taught not to store up treasures on earth, but to store up your treasures in heaven.

    Most of our parents simply do not want our kids being guilt tripped about shit they had nothing to do with and have no control over (past racism, the color of their skin, or they families' perceived wealth).

    Here is your problem: you view everything thru the lens of "your" community rather than the community at large. You want to protect your kids and send them to a school that will only teach a very narrow view of the world, surrounded by others from the same socio economic bubble. How can you teach kids that reality doesn't match your specific community, that they are privileged, if no-one in their bubble shows them that they are in a bubble? That is what I assume that teacher was trying to show them; that there are other structures out there that a majority of the human race has to deal with that your community is largely immune from. That is uncomfortable and it is obviously very uncomfortable to you. I'm a middle-aged white male who is not as privileged as you, but privileged compared to 90% of the rest of the world. And just because I benefited from the structures that we are looking to balance today, doesn't mean I'm racist. What makes you you, is understanding the disparity yet being too uncomfortable to want to address it so you stay in your privileged and closed community while yelling "class warfare" when called out. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Every kid at the school is privileged, including the black and brown ones.  We aren't paying for our kids to be indoctrinated with leftist class warfare bullshit.


    1 hour ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Our community disagrees.  And won't be doing it.

    Chefs kiss

    • Hook 'Em 3
  5. Once he became President, he opened himself up to way more scrutiny from different agencies that would have left him alone if he remained a private citizen. He undoubtedly tried to shift his grift game to the new situation but just doesn't surround himself with capable enough people to implement his grift in a way that could be hidden while (ex)President. I think there will be plenty of things that come out from his private dealings, but the things that may stick are the things that come out from campaign funds handling and trying to filter them thru his org. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  6. 26 minutes ago, Revolution512 said:

    And the environmental impact is what?

    To what? The German pipeline? Dont know. Personally, I wish globally that we would scrap all plans to expand infrastructure around non-renewables in favor of renewables. That wasn't GR's concerns with the tweet and a wholly different discussion though. I'm not defending this decision by the Biden administration, just pointing out the absurdity of it being some gotcha or both sides moment. Germany has autonomy to make decisions that are best for them, has done more to combat climate change than our country, and didn't back out of the Paris Climate Agreement like the previous American administration. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    Biden’s domestic energy policy hurts us, while his foreign energy policy helps our enemies. Specifically the one that this whole board had a coordinated freak out about for 4 years. You’re right. Nothing to see here. 

    I don't agree with helping Russia in any way until they have leadership change and I'd be very interested to see what other parts of the deal are not public (eg: German help in some way). However, decisions for a pipeline here are different than decisions for a pipeline in some other country. Tying them together to make this out like some grand hypocrisy is the joke here. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Lagunamadre said:

    They don't. One is a natural gas pipeline that is the main supply for Germany's nat gas. The other would be moving Alberta oil sands crude (worst environmental impact of any oil exploration) from Canada to tie into the existing Keystone line. Keystone phase 1, 2 and 3 are in operations and moving oil as we speak. Keystone 4 wasn't ever coming close to Oklahoma, so not sure what Oklahoma jobs it would have possibly provided. 

    It was a rhetorical question because  Grhorn was spreading that around as some gotcha. Appreciate the response. 

    • Hook 'Em 1


    3 hours ago, BBQ2Bayou said:

    Do you always use the pax with flower or switch it up? I have the same Pax 2 and am still experimenting with vaped bud vs. a regular bowl. 

    Do you you guys that vape bud see a big difference feeling wise?  Besides the obvious smell and inhale difference. Seems like the vape doesn't make me quite as lazy as bud in a regular bowl, but that very well might be psychological  

    So I mostly use the pax for flower unless I'm looking for a heavier and quicker high, then I go for a spoon pipe. My wife is asthmatic so the pax is a great tool for her to get high without the particles that could trigger her condition. I notice a softer high on pax and a high that slowly builds. 

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  9. On 3/25/2021 at 11:06 PM, Chewbacca said:

    Stay in town. Bus will take you to and from the resort for free. It's very convenient. Tubing is better and cheaper in Fraser than it is at the resort. Better restaurants are in town and at Devils Thumb, 10 min from town.

    I have a house in Fraser. Would be happy to answer any questions.

    Heading on in the next couple weeks. Know of a good place to get game meat in the area? Couldn't find any last go. We plan to use Sisu Farms for most of our proteins (we're up there for 6 weeks), but would like to get the elk, buffalo, etc to mix in. 

  10. From my perspective: I trust the intent, ethics, and general competence of this administration far more than the previous when handling this type of data. Norms were broken by the previous administration in a way that makes you question the scheme behind their actions.

    Is there value to this data? Obviously. Are there concerns that need to be addressed to guard the rights of citizens? Obviously. 

    Cool? Cool. 

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