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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. AMC and GME today are all 💠🚀🌕
  2. What do you guys want? They absolved themselves from their sins. That makes them hungry and makes a need to build up that list of new sins to ask for forgiveness for.
  3. Had a Qtard tell me that he was so excited for the point when Biden goes in front of the nation and pulls off his mask to show he was Trump all along. After I got over my shock of the stupidity, I asked if that meant he was a full supporter of the current administration then? He took a few seconds to think and was like, Yeah! 😐
  4. I will not buy into any idea that when taken to extremes, might be bad. I also will not buy into any idea where one anecdotal experience has a kid called an oppressor because that really means that anecdote is the mainstream. However, your anecdotal racial experience was just confusion on your part and our current systems as they are, are the best we should do, even when taken to the extremes. I'm sold.
  5. Sooooo, it doesn't have anything to do with Marxism. Cool.
  6. Pardon my ignorance, but what is this connection between Marxism and CRT? When trying to find something to understand the correlation, all I get are articles on how to fight back against CRT from opinion blogs.
  7. The BLM movement comes from the recent discrimination from law enforcement. If you can't accept these types of acts as systematic discrimination then you are intentionally obtuse.
  8. Of course he is because what good are rights if you can't push them on everyone, cause they are my rights.
  9. Yeah, let's not let facts get in the way https://worldpopulationreview.com/en/state-rankings/strictest-gun-laws-by-state https://www.gunsandammo.com/editorial/best-states-for-gun-owners/369075 https://giffords.org/lawcenter/resources/scorecard/ https://www.gunstocarry.com/gun-laws-state/ (should get that 5th star now, woo-hoo!) https://www.wideopenspaces.com/the-best-states-for-gun-owners-in-2020/
  10. Pretty much all pathetic excuses for men who are trying to prove something. There is no justifiable reason for this legislation, especially given that this state has some of the loosest gun regulations anywhere. The ones applauding this are weak and scared and exactly who shouldn't be open carrying because they will use this for all the wrong reasons. This from a gun owner and hunter whose dad was a collector yet never felt the need to leave the house with one.
  11. He was on a podcast Smartless and actually talked about it a bit. Highly recommend a listen as it was a hilarious episode. But he point blank said that he couldn't do Colbert in the current climate.
  12. 1. I don't know why we are talking about Christian schools. You made the choice to indoctrinate your kids in that system so you can control that problem. 2. No one is asking anyone to do anything you have highlighted around atonement. That's pure projection. Maybe you need to understand why you feel that that is thrusted upon you because I view this (as a white privileged man) in that I need to adjust my worldview as it pertains to what my experience is vs those less fortunate, especially in terms of race. Then take that introspection and see if there is anything in my control that I can do to mitigate any unconscious biases in my daily life. That's it. If you do that, you are helping solve the issues. We're at a weird time in our lives where we lived before the internet. Where our singular experiences were what dictated what our reality was. Now we have so much more information that highlights issues not evident in our immediate orbit. You can either ignore this new information, or take it on so it's not a problem for our children.
  13. You and others here continue to say there have been and are issues, but instead of wanting to actually fix it, you just want to flippantly solve it in a half assed way by throwing money at it. As a lifelong Longhorn fan, I know that that is rarely a cure to the issue. This takes everyone in the society realizing they are all part of the same community, and that community is sick. Sick because of traditions and laws that were made by those in your closed community. When powerful rich white men make laws (which is what has happened since America became America), those structures tend to lean towards benefiting those who make the laws. And when the community sees a black man kneeling in protest of injustices, did you say "I know there injustices in his community and I applaud his bravery in making sure our society addresses it"? No, you said stand up for the flag and play ball. That little thing over and over and over, throughout all facets of life is what needs to be addressed and it takes both the individual and the institutions to fix. But instead, you advocate pushing your kids into christian right-leaning schools, and by doing so, you are ensuring that these issues remain because all they see is what you see......which is an incomplete picture.
  14. Cool. So should we accept that it was a failure and try to fix the mess? Or should we recoil into our safespace and say, "I'll hand you a little bit of money to make things square. Now stop bitching about your situation."
  15. Oh, I know what reality is. I just didn't want to turn off the snowflakes who think there are no nefarious laws developed for a specific reason.
  16. Because we still have systems (especially in justice) that knowingly or unknowingly tilt towards impacting certain races and incomes vastly different than rich white folks. The drug war was an example I brought up earlier. Fair intent to get drugs off the streets but what happened was a whole generation of black males got incarcerated for minor crimes leading to a generation of black kids without fathers. You had different penalties for those who had cocaine rather than crack. White guys getting busted with pot had their hands slapped while black people with pot got max penalties (this is from personal experience). This doesnt necessarily stem from some nefarious body making racist laws (it might), but it is something we need to accept and address and look to see if other parts of our lives have these imbalances.
  17. And if a teacher is telling a grade student that they are an "oppressor", then yeah, fucked up. The framing of this is based on anecdotal evidence and not anything substantive to have a fit about. You are choosing to latch onto absurd hearsay rather than reality.
  18. And no one is saying that. What they are saying is, "hey kids, yall have a great life and your parents have given you what you need and more to succeed in life. Now, let me tell you about the others in this world and how your experience doesn't necessarily relate to 99% of the current human experience. And if you are white, nothing wrong with that, but you may want to know that your experience will more than likely be better than anyone elses." Why does that scare you? How does that take from you? Your mindset perpetuates the issues because you would rather build a bubble around yourself and your children rather than accept the obvious and work to address it. And now they will grow up oblivious to the issues because they only got a small controlled view of the world, skewed thru your fear.
  19. Here is your problem: you view everything thru the lens of "your" community rather than the community at large. You want to protect your kids and send them to a school that will only teach a very narrow view of the world, surrounded by others from the same socio economic bubble. How can you teach kids that reality doesn't match your specific community, that they are privileged, if no-one in their bubble shows them that they are in a bubble? That is what I assume that teacher was trying to show them; that there are other structures out there that a majority of the human race has to deal with that your community is largely immune from. That is uncomfortable and it is obviously very uncomfortable to you. I'm a middle-aged white male who is not as privileged as you, but privileged compared to 90% of the rest of the world. And just because I benefited from the structures that we are looking to balance today, doesn't mean I'm racist. What makes you you, is understanding the disparity yet being too uncomfortable to want to address it so you stay in your privileged and closed community while yelling "class warfare" when called out.
  20. Have we talked about the failed drug war and how that fits within CRT?
  21. Once he became President, he opened himself up to way more scrutiny from different agencies that would have left him alone if he remained a private citizen. He undoubtedly tried to shift his grift game to the new situation but just doesn't surround himself with capable enough people to implement his grift in a way that could be hidden while (ex)President. I think there will be plenty of things that come out from his private dealings, but the things that may stick are the things that come out from campaign funds handling and trying to filter them thru his org.
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