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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. 11 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    The cabal:   waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh somebody said something we don't like.  


    Waaaaaaaahhhh Their acknowledgement of their error wasn't enough.   

    We'll give him a piece of our minds. Waaaaaaaaahh quick somebody jerk my e dick.

    waaaaaaaahhh, and the circle jerk goes round and round....

    Again, a hardy fuck you to all who care to neg away.  It might affect my life, but them again maybe it won't... acting the role of grand inquisitors doesn't really fit you boys well.

    Wahhhhh a group of people who completely dismantle my world view on the regular are calling me out for it so I call them a cabal because then it seems like they're just out to get me because evil-libcuck-tifas, instead of allowing myself to be introspective realizing I'm some dipshit parroting talking points, living in an alternate reality. 

    "Wahhhhhh" fits you real well

  2. I have fond memories of Mortal Kombat. From playing it at a local pizzeria in SW Austin as a young kid to missing the school bus cause I wanted to play the next round on my Genesis to seeing the first movie and being blown away by the soundtrack. So glad they revisited this in a better way than other spin offs. So excited. 

  3. 24 minutes ago, tantric superman said:

    That was a weird typo on my part.  I guess what I was trying to say is that I'm still using the titles conservative and liberal for people with some intelligence.  I know there are at least couple of intelligent conservatives out there because I know them personally. I was trying to get across that if you are "guided" by Fox or Rachel Maddow, you're not going to come across as very intelligent. 

    It's not really a both sides argument.  It's simply an idea that if your purged al the Fox morons you probably would be left with a few actual conservatives, maybe even one with a conscience.

    Can anyone even describe the conservative ideology anymore? 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    No, I don't. In fact I said up thread that there was no equivalent to QAnon. As far as contrasting the two items you mention, one was the disinformation work product of a former foreign intelligence operative working under contract to a political national committee, disseminated in a very calculated way through components of the government, investigative agencies, and ultimately the public. The other a totally insane conspiracy theory started on 4chan with adherents consisting of a bunch of lunatics with broken brains.

    Yet you consistently bring the dossier up during your performance art. At this point you may be the only user on this forum who mentions it once it became vetted and everyone understood more about it. 

  5. Didn't see this posted yet

    Today's shooting resides here in Texas


    Police in Bryan, Texas, are searching for a suspect after six people were injured during a shooting at an industrial park on Thursday afternoon, according to Lt. Jason James of the Bryan Police Department.


    The victims were taken to a local hospital, but James could not speak to the extent of their injuries in a brief interview with CNN Thursday afternoon. He could not say whether all the victims had suffered gunshot wounds.


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