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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. They really do have the worst update rollouts I've seen since PUBG. On XBOX and it kicks me out of starts of games every 4th game, along with all the other things mentioned above. 

  2. On 3/29/2021 at 1:48 PM, GRHorn said:

    But what of the 3rd one, Lobo?

    Easy. You can want/need a police system while still holding them accountable for their actions and ensuring they are providing the service that they were created for in a non-discriminatory way (you know, the whole "defund the police" thing). At the same time, understanding that some of their militarization and paranoia of the populace is due to the fear of being shot by that highly armed populace. A populace where just about anyone can buy a gun designed for military uses.

    So, as a left leaning lib, I would like to see the police be held accountable for their actions, scope down what they are called out for, increase funds for other resources to assist in situations that police are typically called out for and shouldn't be, and also increase regulation so that those who are not responsible enough to own a gun, can't (registrations, forced gun safety courses, etc). 

  3. The whole theme the Defense was trying to build about the neighborhood being a dangerous one is kind of blown out by a picture of a 9 yr old girl laughing with her friend on the sidewalk heading to get a snack at the local grocer. If he was that scared of a neighborhood, why be a cop? 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. On 3/27/2021 at 7:55 PM, EvilCaseMcCoy said:

    Had mine done thurs. First day sucked.  Second day 50% better.  Today 75% but my twig and berries be black. Just glad it's over with. 

    Opted for the upgrade package. Kudos to you. 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 3
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  5. 1 minute ago, CHIEF said:

    My first rifle was a .243 that I shot from six years old until the present day. It has had 100gr. Core-Lokts as the only ammunition shot through it the entire time. It's still my favorite gun I own. It's a deer and hog killing machine.

    I still remember the first time CHIEF Jr. heard the Whiskey Meyer song Ballad of a Southern Man. The opening lines are: "My first rifle was a .243, that Poppa gave to Daddy and Daddy gave to me". Talk about wide eyes and a grin from ear to ear.



    My dad got me a .222 as my first hunting rifle, but then quickly got me a .243. Great hunting rifle to which my dad borrows a lot. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Chewbacca said:



    Memorial Day is a bit early. Hiking trails might not be fully open yet, especially if it keeps snowing this spring. Activities at the base of the resort won't be open yet, most likely. Days will likely still be chilly and nights cold. Plan accordingly.

    I don't have a favorite hike. Many great ones all around. There is a hiking book you can pick up called hiking in Grand County or something like that. We usually pick out hikes from there, looking at distance and difficulty.

    For food and drink, here's my list.

    Sushi Nama is great. Really good, if a bit pricey.
    Durbar has solid Indian food.
    Volarios has good Italian, but again a bit pricey.
    Zephyr Zza for pizza.
    Azteca for Mexican
    The Ditch for burgers, fries and margaritas
    Carvers for breakfast. They also have a shop in the center they are attached to for grab and go breakfast.
    Idlewild is the better distillery of the two because their food is much better than Fraser Distillery
    Hideaway Park and Fraser River Beer Company are my two favorite breweries


    To add:

    Idlewild is a big rec

    Rollin Street Bakery 

    Westbound and Down Brewing in Idaho Springs 

    Hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park is only an hour away but we also like the St. Louis Creek Trail area in winter park. 

    Sounds like we'll need to have a surly happy hour in May/June as I'll be up there too 

  7. 13 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    It’s quite amazing how Rs don’t ever advance any policies regardless of whether they are in power or not. They are useless. Useless pustules. 

    It has been an incredible strategy. Scream about how Government is broken and that only the GOP can help fix it. They get into power and break everything then get to go out to their constituents and say, "Hey! Look! Government is broken and only I can fix it". Rinse and repeat while only supporting bills that allow more dark money into the system along with suppressing voting to allow their minority have the view of the majority. 

    • Rage+1 5
  8. 2 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:

    Haven't been to Fraser distillery in a while.  They need to get better food.  Idlewild is much better, IMO.


    Fraser River Beer Co has a new taco trailer out front.  Much better than the other trailer they had out back last year.  That trailer moved to a different location in WP.

    I'm very impressed with Idlewild in general. I brought back a couple bottles of their Woodcutters and we would get food from them regularly. Fraser has some decent snack foods but doesn't compare. I'll check out the taco truck though. We were having a hard time finding places last year as everyone was still figuring out new COVID rules. Also, if you havent yet, Westbound and Down in Idaho Springs has great food and beer. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Chewbacca said:
    14 hours ago, SmokeyTheBear said:
    Will be up in Fraser in May & June. We rent a house up on Moose Run but starting to look at property. 

    I'm really close to Moose Run.

    Well I'll be socially distancing at Idlewild or Fraser distilling. Maybe we'll run into each other. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. On 2/3/2021 at 5:31 PM, Chewbacca said:
    On 2/3/2021 at 4:46 PM, Biff Tannen said:
    Where are you located again?

    Winter Park area.

    Will be up in Fraser in May & June. We rent a house up on Moose Run but starting to look at property. 

  11. That Trump and GOP have stress tested our system of government to the max. And though it was close and it's not over, we still survive and are pushing forward. Now we know all the major issues that need to be addressed and hopefully have the will of the people to address it. 

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