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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. "Let me get my shoes" "hold on, hold on...... fight" First words from trump after being shot.
  2. As he yells "fight". This is the next level rallying cry that will activate his extreme followers.
  3. @immamac are you going to be able to facilitate purging user comments if/when Trump becomes dictator and wants to do some official retribution? Something similar to when TOS was purged? I for one would be interested in it in that case.
  4. Moose finally getting up in the mountains to see his namesake.
  5. Yep, this will be the last time we rent here cause the owner is going to yearly rentals after we leave. I don't think we can find a better spot moving forward but we are looking to buy eventually.
  6. First week in Fraser and here until the end of July. Damn do I miss this place.
  7. Maybe his campaign saying he had a cold was the actual truth?
  8. This shit boils down to Weekend at Bernies vs Project 2025. Give me walking corpse surrounded by competent handlers any day.
  9. Alright, I'm getting to the point that maybe we should just burn this country down. What the actual fuck am I watching?
  10. Damn do I miss the days of the minutiae of government being boring.
  11. I remember all my Right leaning coworkers telling me if I didn't like something about America, I should just move. I wish they would take their own advice now.
  12. Oh, the US has Predators? Well I have Predators too.
  13. You mean you don't have a Patriot battery in your front yard for when Uncle Sam shows up with a Reaper drone?
  14. Bump stocks are back on the table boys. And just in time for the election. Fatty and his ilk rejoice.
  15. Stayed 2 days there last summer. I would recommend Islay over it. The drive up to Inverness is pretty, and you'll get to see a lot of the Highlands and Ness, but I thought the prettiest part of Scotland was the islands and the drive from the islands to Edinburgh. There's not a ton in Inverness to see. Cool little town, I enjoyed our stay, but nothing particularly special.
  16. Oh yes. I remember him trying to hide in the bushes with a camera to prove the Bush family was part of the cabal. He would show pictures of a big owl and tie it to the newly built Frost tower "Owl" downtown. All back when Alex Jones was a fun novelty.
  17. This is my thought. If the computer fails, based on the included support docs, it would be trivial to do a replacement. The complication is if I want to change the model or brand and how it is tweaked to work with that units fan, and vice versa.
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