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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. Nah, I want to still have his voice in the party. He has been a thought leader for decades, championing ideas that has challenged the system. Though there is an AOC to carry that torch, there is room for him and his followers he brings with him under the tent. 

    Tells more about you than anything else honestly that you don't want to hear him. 

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  2. 5 hours ago, 27-25 said:

    Did anyone tell him that Afghanistan and Iran are next to each other?

    I believe the idea is to do long range missle and air attack on nuclear related facilities in Iran and removing soldiers in the area prevents immediate retaliation. 

  3. 58 minutes ago, orangecat92 said:

    I watched a couple of Biden speeches. One of them contained a huge gaffe, when he said 300 million Americans something about COVID, instead of 3 million I think.  Iow, he missed the place value by a lot.  Both speeches had the same pattern, Joe starting off breathing hard like he had just completed a mile, and then about 3 or 4 minutes into the speech, his breathing became normal.  I noticed he ran to the podium the other day, but did not watch the speech.  My theory is he is on a very powerful drug, and getting his heart rate up helps the drug kick in quickly.  

    If it takes this much prep just to appear normal enough to complete a 20 minute speech, then the stress of the job will grind him down very quickly.  Remember when Obama told him “You don’t have to do this”.   I believe he thinks he is good at least through the mid terms.  This is gonna end suddenly,  I say president Harris by dec. 31, 22.



    Let me tell ya, if Biden speaking gives you concern about the job he'll do, you need to check out this guy Trump. Whoa boy, can't have him as President because he can barely pull together a cohesive thought, let alone discuss policies he would want to enact or how anything gets done in government. Also shows signs of schizophrenia with repeating sayings like better or bigger or worse "than anyone has ever seen". He would be a disaster of a President....right? 

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  4. 3 hours ago, Pam Cummings said:

    Even if 70% or republican voters think it was rigged, that's only 49m people......yall should chill...

    Siap, just catching up, but.... 

    Thought exercise: is there a dangerous enough percentage of former or active military members who are Trumpers, who would feel obligated to act if they feel the election was rigged and they have to protect the constitution? Let's add all the militias living off Baker buckets in with military too. 

    • Haha 1
  5. The real (and the most experienced to do so) opportunity to reverse the damage this failed Presidency contributed to our Democracy and the previous agenda. Trust that the response to COVID will be substantial and put some controls on it. Quickly strengthening the network of allies to defend against the autocratic wave we are experiencing globally. Hopefully taking this massive engagement by our citizens and finding ways to grow it, as our apathy kills our democracy. 

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  6. 3 minutes ago, fellside said:

    Listened to some conservative talk radio for the first time in over a decade.  It's glorious. The combination of pure absurdly mixed with the depression is a comedy gold mine.


    Hearing Mark Levin ask himself "where's the evidence?" And answer "I don't have any evidence" like it was a good argument? Hearing that Rush apparently peddles Qanon level conspiracy theories? Chefs kiss.

    Until you realize that ~30% of the populace eats. that. shit. up. 

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