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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. 45 minutes ago, GW Hayduke said:

    I get that the trumpkins and the both-sides boys are anxiously scraping the barrel, and you guys want this stuff to be relevant.  But let me know if any of these mind blowing revelations change what we know about:

    - trump asking Russia for assistance.

    - trump’s son and campaign chairman meeting with Russian attorneys to get dirt on Hillary.

    - Russia running a hacking and dumping operation to get trump elected. Whatabout her emails!!!

    - trump and his advisor working with Wikileaks to coordinate timing of Russian hacked materials.

    - Russia running a social media campaign to get trump elected.

    - trump’s campaign manager providing internal polling data to Russian cutouts.

    - trump obstructing the investigation into Russian election interference including firing the director of the fbi because of that “Russia thing.”

    - trump and the GOP refusing to pass legislation to help protect our elections from foreign interference.

    - trump using national security funds as leverage to get foreign allies to attack his campaign rival.

    - Russia is currently meddling in the 2020 election to elect trump.

    With the back drop of his own son admitting that they are financed by Russian money. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 1 minute ago, G650 said:

    The motherfucker looked pretty out of breath to me. Not keeling over, but definitely winded. That could just be because he is a fatass that went up stairs though.

    Yeah, when he climbed the steps for his photo op, you could tell he was laboring to breath. However, it looked like he started breathing thru his nose after. 

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