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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. 43 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    back in the early late 90s, early aughts, i used to regularly get baked and surf conspiracy websites like http://www.abovetopsecret.com/

    it used to be fun to see wacky people's theories about lizard people or aliens. click on that link now and it's basically all right wing propaganda. not so much fun anymore. also, i haven't smoked pot in years. maybe i need to do something about that.


    10 minutes ago, Wanker Bob said:

    I started every now and then again when the pandemic started. I don't like drinking much alcohol and this shit is way too fucked to go through it stone sober. I bought one of these and just have a nice little one or two puff dry herb vape once or twice a week when I need to just shut the brain down for a bit to sleep


    Also, 9/11 didn't cause us to get here because Rush and Hannity and Newt were already laying the seeds for this republican brainwashed stupidity long before 9/11 but it sure as shit floored the accelerator and maybe made what's happening today worse than it would have been. 9/11 led directly to W setting up a horrible surveillance state and tricking the country into removing Saddam which led to ISIS. Pushing 2 straight decades of war added to the invention of smart phones in 2007 plus Zuckerberg and Twitter Jack unleashing tools to target the stupid man's greatest weakness all combined for a perfect storm of absolute shit and here we are on the brink of authoritarian social collapse and financial ruin. 


    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 6 hours ago, TornACL said:

    Goddamn. Even his medical events are small and ineffective.

    Need late night comedy shows to push on this hard until he comes out its all bullshit and that he had the best strokes the doctors have ever seen! 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. They think they are true patriots, defending our country from domestic terrorists. You know, libs. Now libs, and every other rational person, views them as domestic terrorists. 

    Makes for an awesome set up ahead of the most consequential election in over 100 years, if not ever. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    I stated that my understanding was during DNC riots and political violence were not addressed. Am I wrong?

    Is there clear evidence during each protest who is causing the violence? Who’s taking notes on that? 

    Did right wingers set up the insanely chill CHOP? What about all the right wingers in Portland every night? Minneapolis too? Chicago? Please. 

    Lots of it was addressed and their root cause highlighted. There is an issue with our legal system which a lot of the country is unhappy about and its discussed in the platform. Portland is just a marketing item for the Right to justify being uber Law and Order. The local government is handling it like their constituents want and Portland is still there, it hasn't burned down. Love the faux outrage though. 

    How are crime rates in Dem run cities against Rep run ones? Not temporary flair ups because Law and Order likes to murder civilians, long term crime rates? 

  5. 17 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    It’s quite surprising that it missed the mark with you. Ultimately I don’t think you’re in any of the target demographics. I watched a total of 20 mins between both conventions so I’m gonna have to take your word for it about most of what you said. 

    I do think it’s interesting that you accuse Rs of being out of touch with reality, but Ds just had an entire convention without, to my understanding, addressing any of the violence/riots/looting in cities. You know, the stuff your preferred media called “mostly peaceful protests”. But, as soon as they get word back from polling or whatever that it’s not going over well, they start half assed denouncements and their media mouthpieces start running interference trying to shift blame elsewhere.

    So who is really out of touch with reality?


    You, apparently. Your whole post states you have ideas based on what you heard, instead of what you saw. And you are all too happy to come in here to tell everyone what they saw doesn't match what you heard and that they are wrong.

    Also look at crime statistics for large cities and compare between their political leanings. Don't have someone regurgitate their understanding of the stats, you look for them. Are other factors in play with those stats like poverty levels? Also look at the violence from those protests and see who is actually the agitators within them. Do they typically lean left or right? And I'm not talking curfew violations.

    After all that, you might need to ask yourself, who is really out of touch with reality. But you won't, cause it's not about what is real. It's about triggering the libs and cheap circus sideshows to entertain the idiots. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  6. Just now, TexArcher said:

    Pam Bondi is accusing Joe Biden of using his office to benefit his family during a convention to support Donald Trump.

    The truth has lost all relevance in this country.  It's worthless if half the people refuse to listen to it.

    No no no. They did it, so it's ok now. Regardless if it's right or wrong. 

  7. Submitted without comment


    A Texas A&M professor was charged with conspiracy, making false statements and wire fraud on allegations that he was secretly collaborating with the Chinese government while conducting research for NASA, the Department of Justice said Monday.


    According to a criminal complaint, Zhengdong Cheng, 53, a professor in the College of Engineering at Texas A&M and a NASA researcher, obscured his affiliations and collaboration with a Chinese university and at least one Chinese-owned company.

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