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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. Submitted without comment


    A Texas A&M professor was charged with conspiracy, making false statements and wire fraud on allegations that he was secretly collaborating with the Chinese government while conducting research for NASA, the Department of Justice said Monday.


    According to a criminal complaint, Zhengdong Cheng, 53, a professor in the College of Engineering at Texas A&M and a NASA researcher, obscured his affiliations and collaboration with a Chinese university and at least one Chinese-owned company.

  2. Just now, Mrs Whiggins said:

    Two of the scientists doing the research are with Phoenix Biotechnology (the Pillow guy is the Director). Interesting note in the comments: "Given the desperation of people at the moment, I would like to point out that this paper says the compound does not have an effect below 0.05 ug/mL. The compound’s lethal dose has been estimated to be 0.02 ug/mL."

    What was it the President said regarding shutting down the economy, "we don't want the cure to be worse than the virus?" It is what it is.

    I for one welcome his followers to chase this cure 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 3 hours ago, BrickHorn said:

    I can’t wait for Anastasis to inform us that the Senate Intelligence report is a fabricated hit piece commissioned by the Clinton campaign. 


    2 hours ago, BrickHorn said:

    The real crime here is how unfairly Carter Page was treated.

    Don't do it


    • Hook 'Em 3
  4. 6 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    I didn't make it THE issue in this conversation.  You are the one that brought up the intelligence community in your strawman. What is wrong with you?  You are bringing a lot of baggage to this exchange.   



    3 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    It was pretty easy to find.  I googled "alfa bank server maddow nonsense".  I figured that that example might serve to resonate the issue more broadly with you.  I guess not. 


  5. 6 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    I am not sure that I ever put the "entire intelligence apparatus" in the bad guys camp. Intelligence gathering has an appropriate place. What I have done is point out the history that the CIA and FBI in particular have played in effecting disastrous American foreign policy and domestic political operations, as well as the potential abuses of an unconstitutional mass surveillance state.  That is pretty run of the mill stuff, and use to be a fairly widely held position on this board.   

    If this was the only way you framed your argument, this statement would be correct. We all agree that the IC has done wrong things. Any system that involves people will fail in some way or another. But you make it THE issue in every conversation. All the while still deriding those who want to still believe and lean on those systems to hold accountable the rampant corruption we see in front of us. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Anastasis said:

    What are you talking about?  Ant gave an example of major media amplifying and laundering conspiracy theories, and people uncritically repeating it.  I gave another supporting example of the same thing.  I am sorry if that hits a little too close to home for you.

    See @SydneyCarton, the buffet has been open for a while. We need to get somebody to swap out the mac and cheese though. 

    You know exactly what I'm talking about. You're shtick is a bit cute but way played out. You were much better poster when all you did was post gifs. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    I didn't make any such statement. Geez, you don't even appreciate it when I try to highlight agreement. I was agreeing with your suggestion that major media outlets are an amplifying factor, mainstreaming conspiracy theories and the adjacent rhetoric to uncritical masses of viewers. 

    Difference is (since all you do is bring this up) that after more info comes out, those who were pulling on that thread stopped as they saw it was not truth or relevant. Yet you want to beat it over everyone's head ad nauseam in some pathetic way of both siding the argument. Who is still out there in mainstream news, or hell on this site, still forcing that issue? No one but you now. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    You're smiling? As far as I can tell, this is about the worst thing the Democrats could have possibly fucking done right now. It will be spun as an attack on your guns, it will galvanize a bunch of Rs who might have been willing to sit it out, and it's going to be framed as a direct attack on YOUR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS AND OWN GUNS. 

    Democrats can't stop shooting themselves in the dick.


    Maybe so. But justice should be done regardless of political issues. When we stop justice because of politics, we become the Trump administration. 


    *also, hoping that this will open up if/where money was funneled from and/to within the NRA. Which could include the GOP and Trump officials. 

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  9. NY A.G. files lawsuit to dissolve the NRA 






    The Attorney General of New York took action today to dissolve the National Rifle Association, following an 18-month investigation that found evidence the powerful gun rights group is "fraught with fraud and abuse."

    Attorney General Letitia James claims in a lawsuit filed Thursday that she found financial misconduct in the millions of dollars, and that it contributed to a loss of more than $64 million over a three year period.

    The suit alleges that top NRA executives misused charitable funds for personal gain, awarded contracts to friends and family members, and provided contracts to former employees to ensure loyalty.


  10. 3 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    I truly wonder how much if this shit is Putin's bidding.

    It seems too much for it to be just pure stupidity on Trump's part. He has help around him with the Miller's and Pompeo's, but I think big stuff is strategic (lack of pandemic response, send in secret police to cause chaos in liberal cities, etc) which might have help from Putin. Regardless, Russia uses their troll farms to amplify anything that is going on. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    You know, there's a certain level of acceptance throughout much of the world that a strong United States is, on balance, a good thing.

    That said, anyone who thinks they aren't gonna bend us over and have their way with us as we try to rebuild relationships is a fool.

    Hong Kong, Ukraine, India, Korea, Middle East......all at play if/when some bad actors want to make a move. We have largely diminished our negotiating power, our trust, and our alliances. We still have the most powerful military but that wasn't our real power around the globe, it was our values and partnerships that kept us up top. With all that eroded, who really will stop China from going after Hong Kong? Or Russia into the Ukraine? Added bit of fun, if we do not get COVID under control, how strong is our military really?

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