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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. Cool. So it was all handed off to the FBI and was done so on the premise that they blindly accept it as truth and they prosecuted a bunch of people off of it and Trump wrongly lost the election. I totally get your point and why you feel you need to address this over and over and over. It's truly a tragedy of our system, maybe Trump will do something about it.
  2. Sounds like a bunch of conspiracy talk to me. Oh, and potato/potato. https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/25/politics/lindsey-graham-john-mccain-dossier-fbi/index.html And again, let's all focus on Clinton and the bang up job they did stealing the election with Steele and Russia helping them (if that's even the case) when we know what Trump and team has and are doing (or maybe Mueller and fbi and other investigative bodies are all in on it??!! ). But "deep state" and "both sides" and all that.
  3. Lol your "pumping crazy ass conspiracy theories to the FBI" is my "sending potential important information into a system designed to investigate information". Why is the Clinton campaign being viewed in a negative light for doing so? Isn't that the proper channel to funnel shit like that?? And hell, McCain was the one who handed the dossier to the FBI. It's not like they all came out and said, "Russia, if you can do some hacking for us to help us out, that would be great".
  4. Well JFC, Fusion GPS hired Steele, so I'm now lumping Steele with GPS as part of a group for sake of discussion. Apologies for not narrowing down details for you. You can now see how frustrating it is to try and get your point when you talk in hypotheticals and amorphic statements. *But let's point to that tiny discrepancy while deflecting from your assertion (joke, hypothetical, ?) about what if Clinton did something nefarious via Steele.
  5. Say what you mean rather than throwing a bunch of hypotheticals out there and having people trying to guess what you are getting at.
  6. Again, I stated that Steele's group (Fusion GPS) was hired by a conservative group to dig up dirt on Trump. It was then passed to the Clinton group to continue dirt digging, which then included Steele. Where is the misinformation? Inform me, cause everything I'm reading on it shows that that is what happened. You are the one injecting that Clinton apparently ordered Steele to use Russian disinformation and somehow convinced the FBI to blindly run with it. THAT sounds like disinformation being repeated in this thread. Show citation on how/where/when that happened. Everything I know of the FBI, pre Trump, is that they loathed the Clinton's and would never want to work with them. How do I know that? Cause my uncle used to be the Deputy Director of the FBI and actually voted for Trump because he hated the Clinton's so much. Now? He wont say much to the family but he says if the country knew half of what was going on behind the scenes with Russia and certain elements of Trumps campaign, that we would be shitting ourselves. There was/is legit fear that Russia truly fucked us. Anecdotal perspective? Sure. But trust his input way more than yours.
  7. Well, actually, yeah. The Clinton campaign, working with the deep state, colluded with Russia (Putin loves the Clintons and the FBI) to win an election. We should look into it and be shocked and appalled at its apparent success. And if you do not believe that, YOU are the conspiracy theorist.
  8. No no no, outline it. You said I lied about when Steele was hired, but I did no such thing. What else?
  9. What disinformation? That the Hillary campaign were the ones really working with the Russians and that we should be looking at them instead of Trump?
  10. Oh for sure I am. Every time this thread is bumped, its you trying to make some side point of you "being right" about something. What that something is, is beyond me because you typically like to throw amorphic ideas of malfeasance based off some unsubstantiated assumptions just so you cannot be pinned down on really anything until you come back and say, "See! Look at me! I was right, and you were all idiots!" So yes, I want to waste your time trying to explain the picture in your head on how this went down.
  11. Please explain your hypothesis on the situation so we can truly understand where you are coming from.
  12. Cause you are making some major sweeping assumptions on what the Clinton campaign knowingly did during the election and their legal culpability. The campaign hired a company, who hired a guy, who provided misinformation that was then investigated by the FBI and ultimately found out that some/most was wrong. It had no impact on the election, obviously. Russia has been using everyone/everything they can to attack the US. They played "both sides". If you do not like how this is played, stop being a bitch about the Clinton campaign and Perkins Cole, and start making bigger arguments against dark money in politics and legal ways to rig the elections. That is not what you are doing though. You are sitting on the fence laughing at people who use Russia as an example of the weakness of our election system. The system that was exploited by Russia to manipulate outcomes. Which was investigated by the FBI (before Fusion GPS got involved) and after, via the Mueller investigation. Why do you discount Russia's involvement? You just redirect to Clinton or FBI or FISA or something else and state that THAT is the true crime here. That THAT is where we should focus our ire. Yes, there was some interesting conspiracy theories really early in process of finding out what happened during the election. No one here is regurgitating them anymore other than you as some prideful stand against whatever assumption you hold on the situation. In fact, it is seeming more and more that you are spouting your own conspiracy theories to muddy the waters.
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fusion_GPS#:~:text=In September 2015%2C Fusion GPS,stopped funding investigation into Trump. Steele was hired by Fusion GPS after the hand off, correct. Which was originally paid for by a conservative group to dig up dirt on Trump. Is your assumption that the Clinton campaign requested Steele, and for Steele to create a conspiracy theory, fed by Russia, to boost her chances?
  14. If Steele is found to knowingly provide misinformation to influence an election, try and fry him. Put him through the legal system like Stone and Page were. I don't care. If you are breaking the law, you are breaking the law; regardless of what team you are on. The RNC hired Steele's group to dig up dirt, which then got transferred to the DNC and ultimately Clinton. Are you now saying this was some grand scheme by Clinton and that she and her campaign should be in jail? That political dirt used by a campaign during an election is the same as evidence to try someone in a legal system?
  15. What jail is Carter Page serving his time? And does anything that happened to Carter Page free Stone up from his wrong doings?
  16. And if the government decided to run with that info without investigating the validity of said info, then yes, that would be problematic. You are making some assumptions that the dossier wasn't fully vetted by the proper authorities to find whether they warrant using against anyone, and then viewed against other vetted evidence to make a case. Are you saying the FBI blindly viewed the dossier as truth and ran with it? Or are you conflating the social media conspiracies with government actions in an effort to bring about some point? Regardless, what Roger Stone did is not that far off from your hypothetical so, again, grasping to find your point.
  17. SmokeyTheBear


    Lucked out as, at the time, they were BOGO. That Incredible Kush is incredible to hit before bed, knockout medicine.
  18. SmokeyTheBear


    Looks like me coming back from CO. Different strains I brought back: Flo limon, platinum cookies flowe, star dawg, gorilla Glue, trainwreck, durango lemon purps, grandaddy purps, incredible kush, zkittlez, cherrygasm, kosher kush, glueball, bubba fett, and sunny day
  19. Because GR needs some help, they want you to address the shake shack story. You and maninblack coming in with a side eye and smirk with one instance that counters the broader point, is a bit disingenuous.
  20. #teamrebel here. I bought an AR the day after Trump won the election because I thought that those idiots who voted Trump owned the majority of assault rifles and they'd be happy to use it with the Presidents backing. I hate that I feel I have to buy one but who knows where this goes. But I'll be damned if some fascists are going to take over.
  21. How bizarre if this ends up as some inflection point
  22. For those lawyers out there, what can be done to protect any current investigations that maybe under threat with this move by the admin?
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