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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. 1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

    Thanks a bunch assholes, all you did was flush him out to the medical discussion thread on the other board. Now he is posting tweets from quack association AAPS over there. 

    The association has promoted a range of scientifically discredited hypotheses, including the belief that HIV does not cause AIDS, that being gay reduces life expectancy, that there is a link between abortion and breast cancer, and that there is a causal relationship between vaccines and autism.

    So why did you bring it here? 

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    If Miller and Barr get their way and the Trump regime remains in power, these will be the only classes of Americans: loyalists, rebels, or refugees.

    Proud neo-rebel here. Without all that racist southern pride bullshit. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Yeah.....this is why we're entering the most dangerous period in our history in decades.  Anyone and anything that is lawful is falling away/running away from this administration.  It's just Trump and the Trumpists, Miller, Barr, etc.  And there are only two paths for them: win re-election, insulating themselves from consequences and freeing them to pursue their psychotic, authoritarian agenda, or defeat in November, subjecting them to grave consequences, both legal and social.  They will not accept the second possibility -- it is on par with death.  They are fighting like animals with their backs to the wall.  It's victory or death for them, and you damned well better believe they'll do anything you can imagine, and more, to get that victory.

    You have a lawless, un-American authoritarian regime that is desperate to retain power.  What follows is already known.  Buckle up.

    With the added layer of a potential purge of the GOP if Biden wins. Who knows what will be unearthed if we can get a real investigation into dark money from foreign powers in our system. 

    • Like 3
  4. 1 minute ago, BradInATX said:

    Can we not engage this stupidity please? Add him to your Facebook if you feel like your life isn't full of enough nothingheaded morons. Don't encourage it here.

    No. I will continue to engage until I exhaust all his counter points, or at least exhaust his paitence. Engage, don't ignore, ignorance. 

  5. Just now, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Wow, you really need to take the stick out of your brain....  Yep it's aaaaaall the GOP.....  the DNC is clean as the driven snow....  Grow up brah.

    When it comes to voter suppression and the allowance of dark money into the voting system, yes, I put a lion share of the blame on the GOP. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    I already said he's horrible for American politics.  We have Trump partly because of Hillary.  She did her shit from within the system, exploiting it for her personal gain at every turn. The whole it'll be my turn next to be president was to be the culmination of her machinations.  

    You mean she played the game that the GOP has been trying to rig for years? You applaud the GOP enacting dirty laws like citizens united, but then trash the candidates who have to leverage it or else get washed out with dark money. 

    Do you hate the player or the game? 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Holy fuck, she was everything wrong with politics in this country.  End of story... next topic....

    And Trump is.......? 


    Also have to point out the irony of this post, juxtaposed against the general theme of this thread. Well done. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    I'd say Hillary was one of the worst things, Trump is definitely in that arena, but the outsider candidate is what I want to see more of running for elected office. Institutional party candidates are the problem in the countries political life.

    One of those points that can't be taken seriously. Clinton was one of the most heavily investigated and vetted candidates in the history of the US and found to have no disqualifying element. And yet those who rail against her were all too happy to elect someone who abhors transparency and has a long history of nefarious acts. 

    There is no comparison. 

    • Like 4
  9. https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/13/media/seattle-fox-news-autonomous-zone-protest/index.html

    Fox News published digitally altered and misleading images on its website's homepage Friday that made a demonstration in Seattle, in which a group of largely peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters have occupied six city blocks, appear violent and dangerous.


    The deceitful tactic was called out by The Seattle Times. The local newspaper reported that when it asked Fox News about the images, the network removed them.



    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, GRHorn said:

    Pseudonymous handle toting internet tough guy calls somebody a coward. 🙄

    Happy to meet face to face and call any Trump supporter a coward. Do better. And that's a general statement, not just pointed to this exact situation. 

  11. 1 hour ago, GRHorn said:

    Who? The author? I mean I get your point, but you’re also one of the most inflammatory rabble rousers on this site full of pseudonymous posters, so maybe we should all take a look in the mirror on that one. 

    I don't consider myself inflammatory or a rabble rouser, but happy to call you a coward despite being one of the last Trump supporters to post on the CR. 

  12. 1 hour ago, EMAWesome said:

    Are you saying that system is still in place?  If it is it is the most piss poor racist system any racists on the face of the earth have ever conceived.  The  same system that has produced the Congressional Black Caucus which has been in place as long as I can remember, an African-American on the Supreme Court for every year I have been alive, a country today in which Africans are the fastest rising sector of immigrants, a country four years removed from the second term of an African-American president.  If only our system was as bad at spending tax payers money as it is at being racist.

    And that isn't even what I am railing against.  I am railing against the idea that dissenting opinions and ideas must be wiped off the face of society.  I am railing against the idea that anything, anywhere in the world in the form of a statue, a television program, a movie, the name of a sports team, the name of a band, any plant, animal or mineral that may possibly, theoretically, conceivably, if you go 85 million degrees of Kevin Bacon have dinged any one of the seven billion people on earth's feelings must be removed from society and from history.  This is absolute stupidity and anyone that can't see it are morons.  Go ahead call me a racist all you want.  You're wrong but I will never convince you of it and frankly I don't give a fuck.  If I have to pick one over the other I would rather be considered a racist than a moron.  At least there are examples in history of racists accomplishing something (hello Woodrow Wilson, D.W. Griffith, and, in your eyes, probably everyone that ever signed the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution).  What have morons ever accomplished?

    What you need to understand is that you are now defined as the fringe. You may beat your chest at the thought of being fringe, equating it somehow to being a rare person to really know what it going on in the world, but no, you are the extreme. You admittedly frequent spaces with others who reenforce your fringe ideas but when exposed to dissenting opinion, your ideals collapse. Think about it for more than 10 seconds and you should find that maybe your ideals aren't based on reality. 

    But again, rail against those who see the holes of what you stand for. Complain and obfuscate. Run off to your safe space to feel better about your false reality. No one here will put up with it anymore. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Sweet lord....can you imagine a Donald Trump-drafted party platform?  I mean, that's what we're going to get - there is no party but for Trump, so whatever he says the platform is, that's what it will be.

    The platform may just be a series of tweets, with lots of exclamation points.  I truly have no idea.  But I do know this...


    Totally can appreciate a government party platform in short form.

    "Whites good. Money good. Bad people, bad." 

  14. Just now, Sbbruin said:

    I have noticed this as well about @EMAWesome.  He quick hits and then disappears.  I would honestly like to hear a clear explanation of his position.  But that shit in the OP was cryptic and nonsense. What is the issue he’s pushing back on?  I’ll just assume it was NASCAR banning the Confederate flag.  And does that mean “Dukes of Hazzard” reruns will be banned too?  Then I’d be pissed not being able to see Cathy Bach in dem daisies.

    No, it's not one thing, it's that we shut him down quickly every time in ways he can't comprehend. He's admitted to prefer the feeling of his safe spaces much better than here. Yes EMAW, it's very comforting to be around those who think like you. It's called group think. Know why I like this place? Cause I'm a bleeding liberal and I can freely engage with the new Right (like you) anytime I choose, to challenge my ideas/beliefs/philosophy. Helps you grow as an adult. Try it. 

    • Like 1
  15. 1 minute ago, GRHorn said:

    It’s just more grieving. 


    A real leader representing real people who all are fighting for real values. Not tag lines. Core constitutional values. 

    Who can name Trumps values? 

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