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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. 17 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    I'm getting my baby seal club oiled up because that has to be just around the corner.

    Better use that whale oil. Bring back all that old American greatness. 

    • Like 2
  2. It can't be a coincidence, so must be done on purpose. Add it to the list of shitty things he does to try and be Presidential. He'll say he has done more for African Americans than anyone else, including Lincoln; with the backdrop of the massacre. And he won't even get the irony. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 6/8/2020 at 5:00 PM, NameAlreadyInUse said:

    I will pay, up to $500, any reporter who starts a question to him in a press conference with "Senator Ladybug."  

    I'll pay $500 to someone to hit me upside my head until the image of Ol Ladybug on all fours is out of my head. 

    • Like 2


    28 minutes ago, Prepuce of Doom said:

    There's something you need to know about Hank. 












    He puts all of his food in his ass before eating it. 

    I hear you get a stronger reaction that way. Sounds like he did things right. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    This is one of my favorite right wing narratives:  that the ideology of communism is responsible for more genocide than the Nazis, and therefore communists are much worse than Nazis. 

    Yes, I am aware Stalin was a brutal dictator and communism is a failed ideology but I missed the Karl Marx chapter on “how to starve your population to death and get away with it.”  

    It’s one of the more insidious lines of thought going on with the right.

    Csb: when I was in Jamaica and Tucker Carlson had his whole family there for his kids wedding, the one thing I heard them say on the beach was trying to justify this exact point to some gay friends attending the wedding. "the Right is so much better than the socialist left. Look at the body count. Pol Pot, Stalin, etc!" "Democrats aren't tolerant, they wanted slaves!" 


    13 hours ago, I Plead Da Fif said:

    Holy shit. Ya we usually only get the really cold rain in the city this time of year. Hail was a decent size on Saturday.

    We were in Winter Park in late February. Beautiful area.

    This morning


    • Like 2
  5. From March :


    The Russian government has stepped up efforts to inflame racial tensions in the United States as part of its bid to influence November’s presidential election, including trying to incite violence by white supremacist groups and to stoke anger among African-Americans, according to seven American officials briefed on recent intelligence.



    In no way am I saying that the current issues are solely happening because of Russia, but it looks like they are trying to make it worse. 


    7 minutes ago, I Plead Da Fif said:

    Must be the rain we’re about to get all night in Denver. Great view in that photo.

    Storm hit about an hour ago. Wicked winds that I thought for sure would tear down some trees (we had 110 mph winds a couple days ago, had to sprint to the car on a hike when it hit. Trees falling everywhere). We now are getting a steady snow as the temp dropped to 22. We have seen all the possible weather events in the past 2 weeks. 

  6. 5 hours ago, EMAWesome said:

    You are the most racist dorks in America but you lack the self-awareness to see it.  I posted a YouTube video of an African-American minister condemning the idea of any one from any race being forced to kneel before someone else just because of their race.  He explained this is the very definition of racism.  Seven people here have repped it.  Every single one of them negged it. 

    Just watched it and I disagree with him. A minister who is disturbed by a flock of worshipers kneeling while praying for forgiveness by their God........is disturbing? Don't care what color anyone in those videos are, doesn't make sense. 

    This is why we don't take you seriously. What are you wanting us to get from that? That sinners shouldn't ask their God for forgiveness of their sins? That you shouldn't kneel when you pray? Or is it that we should really care what this one black person says about something and if we don't agree, we are racist? 

    Happy to have a dialog on this to get to your point. 


    Just now, Chewbacca said:

    Where?  Sounds like Tabernash if you're on the side of a mountain in a hot tub.  I just drove down an hour ago from Fraser.  

    Yep, right around that area. Been having a blast up here. Did the Trail Ridge Road to Estes yesterday to get some hiking and wildlife viewing in. 

    My view off the hot tub



    • Like 9


    8 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:
    26 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:
    Know what's cool? Sitting in a hot tub on the side of a mountain in Colorado, high, and watching a snow storm slowly roll in. 
    A Texas stoner in Colorado is a dangerous thing. Been trying all the things from the local dispensaries before I head back in a couple weeks. 

    Where are you?

    Grand County area


    Know what's cool? Sitting in a hot tub on the side of a mountain in Colorado, high, and watching a snow storm slowly roll in. 

    A Texas stoner in Colorado is a dangerous thing. Been trying all the things from the local dispensaries before I head back in a couple weeks. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 1 minute ago, jimmyjazz said:

    It doesn't help that police shootings have never been accurately counted.

    I grew up in that back-country, redneck middle America, and I spent a great deal of time with my grandmother in the slums of St. Louis.  In neither environment were the police even remotely as aggressive and militarized as they are today.  Anecdotal information?  Sure.  It's really fucking informed, though.  Feel free to "feel" your way around the issue, though.  I can't convince you otherwise, and I sure ain't convincing Brisket, Esquire.

    Sadly, regardless, the stat doesn't matter. We still have an issue today so needs to be addressed, regardless of if on an increasing or decreasing trend line. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Well, the very fact that cops are more brazen today WITH ubiquitous camera equipment all over the streets is a start.

    I'm not saying there were not bad cops, no racist cops, no problems in 1975.  I'm saying it's worse now.  

    The argument is that it isn't necessarily worse today it just wasn't documented at the rate it is now. Militarization is a huge issue but we can't fathom the rate of back-country beatings, hangings, draggings, burnings, shootings and more that occurred in a time where public racism was still largely accepted and in isolation from any form of social arena. 

    Brazen, yes. There is still racism, but I lean towards it being worse previously. And I hope we can continue to push racism out of acceptance around the globe. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Well, I think you're off base, but I'm smart enough to know I will never out-Brisket Brisket, so whatever you say, dude.  I only lived it.

    He's not a God, my dude. Debate ideas and theories. Let us all read the debate and add our context. It all helps us find the truth. 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, EMAWesome said:

    Various other sites that have many, many, many, many, less thought police than than this hell hole has now.  

    I'm seriously debating quitting posting in this forum though it goes against everything I believe in from a freedom of speech angle and a refusing to give in to bullies angle but I still want to be able to post in other forums here and no one here seems to give a shit about Upper Westside performing a single handed rep vendetta on me.  Maybe if I'm not here some of you idiots will start to tear each other apart when one of you posts something not quite woke enough for the rest of you cretins.  Eventually, and it may take years for this to happen but if nothing changes in this country it will happen, every damn one of you is going have the PC /SJW sniper rifle aimed right between your eyes for some opinion you have and I will be laughing my ass off when it happens.

    Name the sites. Genuinely curious what these safe-havens look like and how they differ from this site. 

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