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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. 35 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    I was under the impression that were against facism, almost anti-facism if they may be so bold?  Facism as a solely right wing piece of real estate is wholly wrong when married up with history.  I do realize though, perhaps to your point, that their spectral holdings in 21st century U.S. are entirely focused on a tight slice of the line.  

    My point being that Antifa's primary goal is to be anti-fascist. But then you are warning about the left wing fascists in recent history. I don't understand the warning, because if their ethos is truly their goal, then it doesn't matter where on the spectrum the fascist is, they are against them because they are fascist. It seems they are left leaning only because the GOP and Trump are exhibiting all the signs of an organization that is headed towards fascism. 

    I'm not pro antifa per se, but I am pro organizations who put checks on extreme ideologies (as long as they do not become extreme themselves to accomplish their goals). 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Do any of you Antifa fans have any idea how many leftwing facists there were, just in the 20th Century?  Just in the West?  

    Here's what we should do.  Antifa is a nothing movement, let by zeroes, accomplishing nothing.  

    Let's reform police.  Let's watch Donald Trump die in the streets.  Let's maintain conscious capitalism.  Let's let Joe Biden run the ship for 4 years until we get our shit together again.

    Let's keep courts out of judicial activism.  Let's have Pelosi finish her duty in 2021 and then stroke out.  

    Let's restore U.S. force posture around the World but without President Dipshit at the helm.  

    Antifa is not only not really a movement.  It's not really populated by anyone remotely smart nor effective.  And Donald Trump will be vacating his office in August/September, and not of his choosing.  

    This first sentence presents a conflict with your line of thinking on what antifa is against. 

  3. Just now, GotThatFire said:

    *Insert gif instead of words*

    Bro, you are trolling hard. What words are you looking for? All you'll do, regardless of what I post, is reply with one of a handful of far right mantras. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:

    That Bulwark article makes a good point.  it doesn't matter about his place as president, it matters about his place as head of GOP.  We aren't yet seeing the GOP support crumble.  Until we start to see that, there is no reason to believe that things are going to change post election. On the bright side, I don't expect his Twitter account to last any longer than 15 minutes after he's no longer President, though it wouldn't surprise me if they terminated his account as soon as he loses the election.

    I think we have to assume that they will never budge, no matter what. If they push through and help Trump to get reelected, they become king makers and never have to run for office again. The playbook has been shown in Russia and China recently. That's our path unless some real, unprecedented interventions happen. 

    Like others, I wish I was that optimistic, but I've been on the ledge since election night and to this point, all my fears of this administration have largely been realized. 

  5. Just now, Go Pokes said:

    So are there any posters on here fully on the Trump train?  I'd like to make a note of who they are for future "I don't give a fuck what you say"ness.  

    Check the DT thread. They are the snowflakes who freak out when you tell them that Trump may very well be the worst leader ever and semi responsible for how recent events have resolved. 

  6. 32 minutes ago, Spankytoes said:

    It seems both you and @Brisket are taking this personally. I’d be happy to learn more about how you were making a change before George Floyd was killed. Let’s focus on activities prior to the last year, to set an arbitrary date. I’d like to keep social media posts out if this, if we could.

    With regards me being stupid and/or racist? Well that’s a simple answer: Fuck you. 

    Who owes you any explanation on why they feel Law Enforcement has a systematic problem with racism?  What does it matter if they have felt that pain personally or if they have been activists before? A confluence of events have happened to rehighlight (again) the problems with Law Enforcement. It's a problem. Just because you don't feel it, doesn't mean it doesn't impact a significant portion of our society, so needs to be addressed.......for the greater good of the society. 

    And is your contention really that they shouldn't be protesting and protesting is bad, but you can't have a voice in this if you haven't protested before? 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 minute ago, F250 said:

    Trumpkins have no moral compass or political principles just a series of ethereal rules that are used to justify the actions of BunkerBitch then those rules dissipate until the next action requires them to shift course and a new set of rules are pulled out of the ether.

    Icono may be a fascist but at least he takes a stand on the principles of fascism. Emaw just uses the talking points of Fox News as a guide.

    Not fox news, Ben Shapiro, and proudly so

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    What good came from the U.S. boycott of the 1980 Olympics?  It changed nothing in the world geopolitically.  All it did was deprive a group of athletes who trained for four years of their opportunity to compete in an event they had their hearts set on competing in.  Same with the U.S.S.R. boycott in 1984.  They changed nothing.   All the sham of the end of the gold medal basketball game in 1972 did was leave a bad taste in the mouths of the American players.  It did nothing to help world peace.  Do I even have to mention Black Monday in Munich?  No mixture of sports and politics has ever helped either sports or politics.

    Not when shunned or purposely overlooked due to them being done in situations inconvenient to the likes of you. Just because you don't want to accept them, doesn't mean they are not valid. And those who protest during times where there are lots of eyes on them (sports) do it because of there are eyes on them and do not owe you an apology because it doesn't fit within your specific guidelines. 

  9. 18 minutes ago, Jive Turkey said:

    Sure, buddy. Trump asked for MAGA night at the White House on Saturday and nobody showed up. 


    What do they think the national guard and local police will do when these limp dicks show up with their gucci guns? 

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