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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. 4 minutes ago, Okie State said:

    I just can't even comprehend how we ended up with this fucking guy as our leader. Absolutely embarrassing.

    Well....its a long story. 

    Started with defunding our school system....somewhere in the middle there was some citizens united....a touch of gerrymandering.....reality TV.....GOP crippling the government on purpose.......apathetic populace.....a lot of Fox "News" -------> big bag of orange shit

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  2. 6 hours ago, HenryJames said:

    This is amazing.

    Make sure to put on a happy face when you let people know (and very much their demographics) that likely they will get this thing and die. 

  3. 13 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

    Random thought: yesterday we started getting glimpses of medication cocktails that SoKo is using which MAY be contributing to their lower CFR relative to similarly affected countries.  One of the protocols involves combining the old malaria drug chloroquine with Zinc.  Zinc is a 2++ ion that apparently shuts down the RNA polymerase that the virus requires to effect its virulence.  The RNA polymerase works inside infected cells.  Zinc ion can't easily cross into cells (cytosol).  Choroquine is an ionophore that picks up Zinc ions and carries them into the cells where they disrupt the RNA polymerase.  Chloroquine apparently increases the cytosolic concentration of Zinc x10 relative to taking Zinc alone.

    Where I'm going with this is that apart from an acute intervention for very sick patients, could this be a prophylactic strategy for all vulnerable health care staff?  Start taking some dose of Chloroquine once or twice or more per week with daily Zinc to have it already waiting there with boosted intracellular levels to disrupt onset of illness and severity, i.e. don't wait until the first wallop from being infected?


    Now talk to us like we don't have a medical degree

  4. 2 minutes ago, Post Oak said:

    Yep.  Doesn't bother me at all as an introvert.  However, I didn't marry an introvert. Quite the opposite.  

    You should've seen her reaction when I told her she shouldn't go out with friends Monday night.


    Same. Mine doesn't know how to wrap her head around this yet. I've been following this thing for a couple months and have had time to digest it all. 

  5. 1 minute ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    If China and Russia were lying about the severity of the outbreak within their borders, how would we know?

    I'm not saying they're lying but we always need to take whatever they're saying with a grain of salt. They could be lying. 

    Completely valid and part of the issue of understanding the scope of this virus world wide. But reading that Medium article, it made sense that they have been used to this kind of thing and know how to control it better than most, along with their populace used to being under control of a heavy handed government, so now apt to do the things necessary to stem this thing (quarantine). So begs my original question, IF they have this in relative control....   

  6. 8 hours ago, RayDog said:

    NDT has a report on China's claim that the coronavirus is a US bioweapon. The story starts at the 4:05 mark.


    As a thought exercise, I've been wondering who could "win" out of this situation in regards to GeoPolitics. We know Russia and China are effectively our enemies. China has now controlled this situation at home and Russia seems not overly impacted by this thing yet. In parallel, the West is in a death spiral. IF you wanted to make a move at a strategic level to change the balance of power of the West.......isn't this the time? 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Yes we can.  It's actually not that hard at all.  It requires an Act of Congress akin to the War Powers Act.  Make it effective immediately, expiring in 30 days unless renewed (to keep it from being perpetual).  Allows the president to federalize the national guard.  In the extreme, even allow a partial Draft -- draft medical professionals etc. into a Federalized effort.  Allow the administration to build a team of the best in their fields -- people from the Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, etc.  Get them working on the necessaries: quick accurate tests, protocols for testing anyone who wants it, recommended protocols for the infected, vaccine development and testing (in cooperation with other nations).

    This is a world war.  We turned Underwood typewriter factories into weapons plants in WWII.  We can build field hospitals and/or turn existing, empty facilities into overflow hospitals (guess what we have in Austin?  An old hospital that's been decommissioned.  The structure is there and can likely be partially activated in a matter of days).

    Fucking solve problems.  That's what we can do.  We're just choosing not to.

    I'm talking building a brick and morter hospital in 2 weeks. China can do that because their building codes are lax compared to the US. Could we clear that red tape to make it happen? I guess. Should we? Don't know. I'm definitely into repurposing existing structures to become field hospitals. That's the best path forward. 

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