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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. It's copypasta https://www.eevblog.com/forum/dodgy-technology/the-non-linear-plasma-reactor/450/
  2. Apparently Dan Brown is guest writer this season.
  3. They are the same ones bitching about how long it takes and the nefarious nature to processing it all.
  4. Wow there is a lot to unpack here. If you think Texas Secession is a good thing then I'm quite confident I won't need to look on your Twitter to confirm how bonkers your other ideas are.
  5. And yet...... Surly is the best place to keep your theories going?
  6. Siap https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/18/politics/paul-manafort-trump-reelection/index.html
  7. I agree at a certain level but they do use very specific words over and over again as a strategy to build action. Look at the pre Jan 6 rally and you will pick up that every speaker used the word "FIGHT" repeatedly, on purpose.
  8. Fitlump and Romeo Rose in the porn of the year: Dos Tacos Recorded and edited by Case McCoy
  9. The end. Solid speech and delivery. He's old but didn't impact his responsibilities tonight.
  10. Mike is going to get killed if he keeps nodding thru this intro.
  11. Video from on the latest ship that sunk Below is Russia's Evil Knievel troop
  12. SmokeyTheBear


    Based on some reddit recommendations I gave Black Tie CBD a try to test their flower and the process. Ordered it last week, delivered in a couple days, and was packed great. Threw some Gary Payton in the grinder and straight to the Mighty+. A damn fine smoke. My mind is blown that this is all legal in this state. QR directs you to the analysis
  13. SmokeyTheBear


    High! So, way late to the THCA legal loophole discussion as I've been smoking flower I get when I go to Colorado and just haven't paid attention. However, would love to find some reputable places here in (South) Austin to purchase flower and gummies. Any recs by you fine Surly smokers? Are there online shops that I should check out instead? Much appreciated.
  14. Cool seeing Cosmo in this as I first came across his work as a singer.
  15. Loved it and exhausted the early access map. Was way better than I thought it was going to be. Would recommend if you like survivor games.
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