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  1. It’s late so my math might be off, but looks like we closed this game on a 52-18 run. I’ll take that.
  2. Welch

    Gunnar Helm

    I thought that too, especially on the replay. Apologies for linking McAfee…
  3. So it actually took about 30 hours?
  4. Welch

    Uniform Pron

    Won’t you think of the poor sponsors for the different rounds/bowls who need their own patches?
  5. So just to be clear, “Aggie fans should be absolutely steamed with the way the SEC built this schedule for A&M,” even though it’s only the 8th toughest schedule in the conference?
  6. Our mascot head at the time didn’t have horns? Wtf? Happened to see this clip the other day. Thought it was a bad call when it happened and today it looks even worse, since we see that kind of stuff all the time now.
  7. Knee. Injured on the second-half kickoff, they showed him down for a few minutes before being helped off the field.
  8. If you had told me beforehand that Oz would only be getting a few minutes of screentime in this episode, I wouldn’t have been looking forward to it at all. But ho lee fuk it was good.
  9. Strong “neither team needed a TE and neither team signed one. Advantage: Texas A&M” vibes from Politico.
  10. I mean if that were the case, wouldn’t they just… not have the current election and have Joe hand her the reins?
  11. 7-3 in our last 10, but somehow feels more like 5-5 or 4-6. Thank god for the Angels, I guess.
  12. Why would black turnout need to decrease for his second scenario to be true? Wouldn’t Trump benefit more if he got 12% of the black vote, and blacks turned out at 69%? Or higher?
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