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Everything posted by Welch

  1. Is it still 24-14 or did LT tack on another FG?
  2. Judson’s clock management at the end of the first half would make Charlie Strong blush. Sheesh.
  3. https://reddit.app.link/0BmtqfwenS
  4. Somewhat related to the thread: Have we heard anything on Sterns’s injury? Is the expectation that he’ll play?
  5. Looks like it’s already showing up in San Antonio.
  6. I’m no Gilbert apologist, but that Texas offense was hardly stacked. Our OL - none of whom went on to sniff the NFL - was guys like Hix, Huey, Tanner, and Ulatoski. Our backfield was Tre Newton and DJ Monroe. Our receivers - outside of Jordan Shipley - were Dan Buckner and Malcolm Williams, with a freshman Marquise Goodwin getting some reps too. The only great players on that offense were McCoy and Shipley, and Gilbert replaced half of them. It’s a testament to how great those two guys were - and how great our defense was - that we very possibly win that game if Colt doesn’t get hurt.
  7. As the old joke went, “The only place Greg Davis had a north-south passing attack.”
  8. That’s partly a function of their opponents next weekend. OU has a better chance of losing than Ohio State does. This is also why the predictor shows Clemson with a higher chance of winning the title than Alabama.
  9. Posted for relevance to thread title... Free from 'San Antonio Mafia,' Kawhi Leonard Is Everything Raptors Hoped for
  10. We were similarly better on the road in the regular season in 2017. Then the playoffs started and we went 8-1 at MMP and 3-6 on the road. I wouldn’t be surprised if something like that happened again.
  11. Not sure Adzillatron needs a random crowd shot after every single play, up to (and sometimes past) the snap of the next play. A few more replays would have been nice. But otherwise a really good production and the crowd was into it.
  12. Well, that’s pretty much where I stand. Again, though, that’s not something the Spurs’ doctors could have prevented. And fuck Kawhi and his “trying hard to get back” nonsense. Only thing he was trying hard to do during the playoffs was catch a game at Dodger Stadium.
  13. I don’t follow this logic at all. Kawhi’s docs took over in August and didn’t have him ready even through the following April. And he still hasn’t proven they’ve gotten him healthy. How is that an indictment on the Spurs’ staff?
  14. How are we defining mediocrity? I’m not sure the Spurs have been mediocre for as long as I can remember. They were awful in the mid-late ‘80s which allowed them to get Robinson, then won 56 games in ‘89-‘90 and arguably haven’t been mediocre since then. Or are you saying we’ll be quietly sliding back to ‘90s Spurs basketball, always good but never a title contender?
  15. Or Correa’s, five minutes later.
  16. This has been my thinking all along. Hard to criticize the Spurs’ staff when it’s been Kawhi’s clown show running things all along. And it’s not like he got back to the court quickly once they took over. The timelines are strange, though. I had read this August stuff before, but then the famous long ESPN piece from a month or two ago made it seem like his doctors took over in January... when they flew from Atlanta to Brooklyn, iirc.
  17. How do you quote those three tweets and then conclude that the Spurs could have played it better and need to review their medical staff?
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