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Everything posted by Welch

  1. Need to keep momentum into the break. We followed up the 5-1 trip to Atlanta and Tampa with 3-8 against Philly/SF/Sea. Hoping for at least 4-2 for the rest of the week.
  2. Our real All-Star will be there though.
  3. So Maldonado catches our two aces and we give up 11 combined, even with his sorcery behind the plate. Then Diaz catches our rookie and Montero (of all people) against the same team, and it’s a shutout. Man, if only Yainer knew how to handle this pitching staff…
  4. Great replay work, Fox.
  5. I’m just grateful Brown and Maldonado have had some time to get acclimated to each other thanks to Dusty’s wisdom and foresight. Otherwise yesterday could have gotten ugly.
  6. Maldy has called a perfect game. Brown just keeps making mistakes.
  7. 100% chance that Dusty believes this.
  8. Beautiful post, but just wanted to add… They won 47 in 2017-‘18 when Kawhi was being a giant bleeding cunt distraction. They then won 48 the next year, when he was in Toronto. Of course this little detail only strengthens your argument.
  9. People who claim the Astros got off too easily for the sign-stealing scandal have never had to suffer through having Dusty Baker as their manager.
  10. No podcast this week?
  11. Yes and yes. According to the NBA, "Fourteen ping-pong balls numbered 1 through 14 will be placed in a lottery machine. There are 1,001 possible combinations when four balls are drawn out of 14, without regard to their order of selection. Before the lottery, 1,000 of those 1,001 combinations will be assigned to the 14 participating lottery teams. "All 14 balls are placed in the lottery machine and they are mixed for 20 seconds, and then the first ball is removed. The remaining balls are mixed in the lottery machine for another 10 seconds, and then the second ball is drawn. There is a 10-second mix, and then the third ball is drawn. There is a 10-second mix, and then the fourth ball is drawn. The team that has been assigned that combination will receive the No. 1 pick. The same process is repeated with the same ping-pong balls and lottery machine for the second through fourth picks." The remaining lottery teams are slotted in order of their draft odds.
  12. Are we honking down Commerce tonight?
  13. Would be first thanks to St. Maldy, but the pitchers keep making mistakes. Sincerely, Dusty
  14. And the year before that, when the Spurs were running them out of their own gym until Zaza took out Kawhi.
  15. Looks like it might be “non-losing” rather than “winning” record. But still… our last two “losing” trips were in August 2022 (3-4 at CHW and ATL) and way back in September 2021 (3-4 at LAA and OAK). Had a few others where we went .500 last year Now if only we could manage a “winning” homestand…
  16. He needs to focus on 1B and LF, because we apparently have no need for a catcher who can hit.
  17. It’s the least of Chandler Rome’s problems, but holy fuck people overuse (and misuse, imo) the word “ostensibly”.
  18. Regardless of how this one turns out, I’m thrilled that we didn’t set the precedent of having Diaz play twice in an important series. Even if it’s a loss on the field, it’s a win in my eyes.
  19. If you’re gonna finish 45 games out, you gotta start somewhere…
  20. “Javier” is Spanish for “McCullers”.
  21. Neanderthal Rangers using sac bunts to create two runs. Much more fun to swing away and GIDP like we do, imo.
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