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Everything posted by Footballpants

  1. Speaking of frontal, how bout a pic of your wife's RATs?
  2. Count my micro epeen in on this as well. Worst fucking thread on the shag, and that's saying A LOT.
  3. This is a good point too.
  4. Well that's a pretty broad question. I think you'll get starkly different answers whether you're talking about shooting a released lion in a pen, or spot stalking an Aoudad on a 50K acre ranch in West Texas. Just sayin...
  5. Went to a buddy's place in Jackson Hole over the weekend for a last minute spring ski trip. His place sits on a little creek that flows into the Snake River called Fish Creek. We had a little time to kill Sunday afternoon so I went rummaging through his barn and found some waders, a TFO NXT Combo, and a fly box filled of a hodge-podge of flies. Tied on a big stone fly nymph and a zebra midge dropper and decided to head out and make a few casts. Caught this 18.5" cutter on the stone fly nymph on 4th cast.
  6. Another vote for an Outdoors Forum here kind sirs. Soccer and hunting shouldn't share the same category because, well soccer is for fags...
  7. why did you just change the title of this threas?
  8. Fuck you. Need NSAA post count up stat...
  9. And thinks Kevin Morgan is a swell guy.
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