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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. I entirely misunderstood your post that I quoted. My apologies. Edit: only tangentially related, I really do wish the Electoral College was removed. It seems that movement had a bit of momentum at one point. It feels diminished now, but there's a real chance I am out of touch.
  2. Fair enough, I suppose. Trolling has crossed over into real life and so I get more than annoyed for being blamed for something that didn't happen. I really wanted Bernie, but I also know that even if he won he wouldn't be allowed to do anything most of the things he truly wanted, so him losing out hurt less if that makes sense. And I'm also aware there were some pretty obnoxious Bernie folks on reddit/twitter/etc. But let us not forget social media amplifies quite often the minority and the controversial. It doesn't make all of us who liked Bernie's ideals misognystic trolling bros. who would burn the country down if we didn't 'get our way.'
  3. Goddammit, this complete and total bullshit again? More Bernie voters voted for Hillary than Hillary voters voted for Obama. Fact. In the spirit of kindness I will not go with my usual even more blistering reaction to this. I'm trying to be nicer, just like the less mean thread suggests I should. But as someone who went for Bernie in the primaries and voted for HRC in the General (in Texas where it didn't matter anyway) I really, really get tired of this smear.
  4. Train has been off the rails for sometime now. We're witnessing the decline of the empire, and he and his ilk are rather significant symptoms. Getting some gallow's humor out of him getting some comeuppance can be a joy.
  5. Great post. “Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you've got a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies-"God damn it, you've got to be kind.” Kurt Vonnegut
  6. at minimum many will receive death threats and harassment for years to come. some will probably have to uproot and move. possibly chlling effect on some future juries in terms of convictions. .
  7. Maybe, but as the judge noted: If I recall correctly, and I could be very wrong on this, Twitter's original legal team was part of Elon's purge when he took over. Again, the judge ripping them:
  8. This has already been mentioned in this thread. Still. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/15/special-counsel-obtained-trump-twitter-howell-00111410 It is befuddling to me that so many here continue to use that platform and repost items from it. The anti-LGBTQ stuff wasn't enough I guess. Making fun (rightly) of Elon and then continuing to essentially drive traffic to X seems a bit contradictory. While I'm at it, I wish some of you would start a Ron F thread so you can just repost all his stuff there. A good chunk of this thread seems to be let's re-tweet (re-X?) Ron F.
  9. I think I overall agree with you, and I don't care much what happens after I'm gone because I obviously won't know it. But I went through a cemetery the other day that had a lot of history to it, including a gold miner tragedy from a bygone era. Saw a family plot area where the last person was buried in 2007 but the oldest grave was from the 1800's. I don't know, kind of neat to have a line of history available for the living to view and think on. So maybe no burial but a plaque somewhere with dates. Just for whatever reason. I've always told the wife I'd like one of those memorial benches somewhere along a river or maybe beach park area.
  10. I didn't believe it was real. So I looked it up. Well, that's just great.
  11. Grass Valley/Nevada City a pretty area last time I was there. Yuba river quite the neat area to explore. This probably doesn't help you much in your decision. All CR talk aside, California is expensive. It just is. But sure, the Sierra Nevada foothills have four seasons. Parts of it got bombed pretty bad with snow this last winter though from my understanding. Like not getting out of your neighborhood snow.
  12. I am mostly there as well and I think yes, it’s age and the improvements in home setups. But even at home I encounter a problem with movies these days. They are all way too long.
  13. Explains them building those space lasers.
  14. I'm with you, but toss it on the pile. We have congress people using revenge porn tactics and showing dick picks at hearings. We have blatantly open corruption on the so-called Supreme Court. The governor of Texas is committing murder by drowning people including children. None of this is normal and all of this is the new normal.
  15. This won't be a popular opinion, But the DT "50 Cal to Ukraine" thread bothers the fuck out of me. The open bloodlust and eagerness to chip in to see death (and often from so-called liberals) when there are righteous causes right in Texan's back yard bothers me. Don't see a "let's go stop the drowning of migrants" thread somehow picking up so many willing 100 dollar donations. Or just about any humanitarian aid anywhere, including Ukraine. Send me videos of dead russian pawns instead. Additionally, and I've mentioned this before, I didn't see this kind of outcry over many other atrocious wars and acts, a decent amount of which the US did more than just let happen. Daily news on the horrors of the Russian v Ukrainian wars versus just about any other conclict, including the awful shit we did in the ME. As put by others: I'm sure this lumps me into some lazy 'both sides' replies, and a few negs. Which often makes me wonder if I fit in here at all. Oh well, I'll go back to laughing along with whatever happens to the orange faced gibbon. But I find the participation in that thread by some pretty damn awful.
  16. I recently read a book of essays by the late Barry Lopez. In one of the essays he pointed out that while there is a Holocaust museum in DC, there is no national museum dealing with Native American genocide. I don't think I knew 1/32nd of the amount of horrors we inflicted. Outside of some random college courses, it really isn't taught or acknowledged.
  17. video showing same thing.
  18. https://old.reddit.com/r/Jazz/comments/wrhml3/spotify_is_making_fake_jazz_artists/ https://www.musicbusinessworldwide.com/remember-spotify-fake-artist-theyre-still-going-strong-and-still-attracting-scandal/ This is apparently pretty old news that happens to be new to me. Fake artists all over those 'mood' playlists. So they don't have to pay out to real artists.
  19. This was one of those "duh, of course" things I can't help but think about now every time I read it. In front of my face all along, but with all the other bullshit I guess I didn't notice. Desantis story brought to my attention again. They have not been hiding who they are for some time now. We should not accept this behavior. Thank you for pointing it out.
  20. "songs played on the radio" is another indicator of old* by the way. This complaint has been levied by seemingly every generation ever. Which I think makes it an old compaint. *I'm old but I could not tell you what is being played on mainstream radio in any genre.
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