Perception is a strange thing. I find it interesting to hear 'jobs' touted as a win. In enterprise tech just about all I see is layoffs. Of course, I think the layoffs are bullshit. Just last year you hear about 'record profits.' This year its all cost cutting measures. Disney just announced 7k layoffs. Nobody seems to save the profits to keep from having to fuck the non high level management. I'm sure the CEO's enjoyed their new yachts.
Please don't misunderstand, not blaming Biden at all, and maybe all non-tech industries that I don't pay attention to (which is all of them) are doing great. Just my perception of the employment picture is doom and gloom for the moment. And that perception isn't from watching any TV. But I'm sure next year will be hiring time, rinse and repeat the cycle.
I also look forward to groceries being reasonable again. Heh. I'm sure that will happen any day now. Same with my natural gas bill. Oh shit, I'm just bitching now, sorry.